Chapter: 4

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A/N: QUICK THING TO SAY!! There is a song used in a dream in this chapter that is not mine!!! It is from a webtoon called Sirens Lament. Along with the italics, it will be underlines.I encourage you to go read it, it's very good and free. It's on the website, or the app, called Webtoons. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!!


*April's P.O.V.*

"Then we'll see you in the morning. You better head to bed." I say softly, smiling at Quincey as he nods to me. He stands up quickly and grabs the lantern, blowing it out and hanging it back where he got it from before running up above deck and closing the hatch behind him. I look around and see that the room is dimly lit in a blue light. Looking around, I find a window tall enough to look out in James and my cell. I stand up and look out to see the full moon, it's reflection beautiful on the never still waves of the ocean.

"The clouds are gone." I hear myself say absent minded before smiling out at the ocean. Then, unexpectedly, I feel a lump form in my throat before I start to cry softly. I turn around to see James standing behind me, shocked. He opens his arms slowly before I walk closer to him and fall into his chest, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I feel his arms wrap around me gently. I feel suddenly warmer and more relieved. James and I both sink to the ground, James leaning back resulting in me laying on his chest.

"Go to sleep. Everything will be alright." He whispers sweetly into my ear as we lay there together. Both of my hands are laying gently on his chest, one of his arms around my shoulders and his other hand holding one of mine. With my head on his chest, I can hear his heart beat steadily.

"James?" I whisper softly as we lay silently together.

"Hm?" He hums, his chest vibrating gently.

"You're not going to leave me alone, right? When we get out of this situation you won't just leave?" I ask softly as I lift my head up to look up at him. His face is glowing in the moonlight. His hair is messy and looks darker than it actually is. He looks so peaceful.

"I promise that I'll never leave you." He whispers sweetly, opening his eyes and smiling at me. His eyes look like they're glowing with a golden-blue color. I look at him questioningly. "You have my word." He finishes sweetly before closing his once more. I lay my head back down and slowly fall asleep.


CRACK!! The sound of a whip. How does that sound familiar? I try to look around to see that my eyes are closed. Opening them, I'm faced with the sight of James tied to one of the pillars of a mast shirtless. There's cuts all down his back as a man whips at his back.

"STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shout angrily, tears burning at my eyes. "PLEASE!!"

"How did she get up here? Someone put her back below deck..." The cap'n said from somewhere before another crack form the whip. Everything starts to fade.


CRACK!! The whip. I open my eyes to see that I'm laying on the floor os the cell alone.

"Morning April." I jump at the voice. I look over to see Quincey sitting in front of the gate with a trey of food in his hands. I crawl over to him with a lump in my throat.

"Quincey, do you know where James is?" I ask, choking back tears as I look him in the eye. His expression saddens.

"Cap'n had someone come get him before he sent me down here to talk to you for a little bit." Quincey adds before handing me a roll through the bars. I take it gently, trying to keep my composure in front of the young boy, smiling sweetly and trying to hid my worry. CRACK!! The sound of the whip echoes down to below deck once more, making me flinch at the sound.

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