Chapter: 2

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~April's P.O.V.~

     I wake up to the sound of birds sweetly chirping a happy tune outside. Opening my eyes, I look around expecting to see my room, but end up finding myself in a cave. Outside the cave, I see that the time is in the later afternoon. As I sit up, a small pain pokes at my lower back. I rub it softly before standing up and stretching. Glancing down at where I had a fire the night before, there's nothing but burnt twigs and some ash. I decide to go outside and check the coconuts. Looking down at where I had them sitting, they've all been filled to the brim with rain water. I happily take on and start drinking the water. It has a slight sweetness to it as it runs over my tongue. Holding the coconut down at my waist, I decide to walk around.

     "This is such a pretty island." I whisper to myself as I start walking through the forest. Before I even reached the rock I opened the coconuts on the night before, I heard rustling coming from behind it in the bushes. As I stand still, waiting to see if it was another bunny, something pops up from the bushes behind the rock. I reel my arm back and throw the half of a coconut at whatever it might be before running into the cave and hiding behind one of the cave walls. Peeking out from behind the cave, I hear a loud groan and push myself back against the wall.

     "Hell of a way to be greeted this early in the morning..." A familiar, masculine voice says from outside the cave. I stay hidden and steadily start to become confused.

     "Where have I heard that voice before?" I think to myself as I peek outside once more. As soon as I my head peaked out of the cave, I was met with a face. Jumping back in surprise, I trip over myself and land on the hard cave floor. I wince in pain before realizing, there's someone else on this island. Though I wasn't alone for long I couldn't say it was the best day of my life.

     "Are you alright?" The familiar voice asks soon after I fell. I look up to see the face is familiar, along with the voice. He has shaggy brown hair that is hidden under a blank bandana, a soft jawline, and golden brown eyes that seem to glow against his lightly tanned skin.

     "Uh-yes. I'm fine... Thank you." I reply quickly as I push myself back up, looking away from the man in front of me.

     "James." I hear him say form in front of me. Looking up, I see him holding his hand out in front of me. I glance down at his hand before looking him in the eyes.

     "April." I say back softly, looking into his eyes as I shake his hand gently. He smiles before I pull my hand away. "I thought I was the only one on this island." I add before walking out of the cave.

     "I as well." James says from behind me as I walk around the bush he was behind. I pick up the coconut and frown, remembering I wasted all of that water that I didn't drink earlier.

     "Well, James. You can help yourself to my coconuts." I say politely has I glance at him, walking back to the entrance of the cave.

     "How forward of you miss April." James says as I look up at him disgusted. He has a large grin on his face.

     "How rude... My intent was to share my food supply, but as I can see here, you look like a tough enough man to fend for yourself." I respond in a bold manner. His body seems to appear well toned under his ripped sleeved, white shirt and rather rugged, brown trousers. Looking at his feet, I find him not to be wearing any shoes, and neither was I.

     "I apologize." He says sweetly as he picks up one of the half coconuts, careful not to spill any water. I walk over to the other coconuts and poor some water from one coconut into the one I'm currently holding to wash the half coconut I threw earlier.

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