Chapter 28

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Nagito's POV (I miss Reader's so bad)

I carried (Y/N) over to Mikan's cottage. I was thinking as I did. For some reason the way she said, "We need you, you are not trash," really struck a cord, it was too familiar. I felt (Y/N) heat up a little. I frown a bit, another fever. She looked troubled, I was beginning to worry, will this ever go away? We neared the cottage, I took in who was still with us. Ibuki, Mikan, Akane, Nekomaru, Hajime, and is that Fuyuhiko? I thought he hated her. Oh well. I saw Mikan check her pockets and pull out her key. She jostled with the knob, I prayed silently that it wouldn't fall off, and pulled the door open. Ibuki, Akane, and Nekomaru went in first. I shortly followed after, then Hajime, and Fuyuhiko. Mikan came last bringing up the rear. She closed the door hastily and began making room on the bed she had for (Y/N).

"P-put her h-here please," Mikan stated. I gently laid (Y/N) on the bed and stood be the side. Akane handed some of the food to me. I hastily unwrapped some of the food and pulled out a bagel and a sandwich. I bit into the bagel, as I saw Mikan rummaging through her drawers. I finished the bagel so fast, Akane was proud. Nekomaru proceed to hand me a cold water which I took gratefully. I sipped the drink and watched Mikan pull a bottle with orange liquid inside. I observed the label, it read Motrin. It was probably a multi-use medicine, that also doesn't include materials that triggered allergic reactions. "H-hey N-Nagito did (Y/N) tell you her weight?" Mikan asked. "Yeah, around ninety to ninety-five or something like that," I informed. "T-thank you!" Mikan chirped. I nodded. I watched Mikan pour the medicine into a normal medicine cup. She then took the cup over to (Y/N)'s side. Mikan parted her lips and poured the liquid in, followed by water. Once that was done Mikan gave us a little report on (Y/N)'s health.

"She'll probably f-feel a little s-shakey, she might f-fidget a little more. (Y/N) will also g-get ti-tired more easily, so n-no sports. (Y/N) will have to come for d-daily me-medicine, and I w-want at least t-two people w-with her at all times," Mikan told us. Everyone in the room nodded their heads in agreement. "Now Nagito h-how do you feel?" Mikan asked me. "Oh I am fine, you shouldn't waste you- I am fine," I answered, without demoting myself. Everyone cocked their heads to the side a little but returned back to Mikan. "So how fucking long will this damn sickness last?" Fuyuhiko asked aggressively. "At t-the m-minimum six days," Mikan said on the verge of tears. I patted Mikan's back, I feel so bad for her.

Mikan then told us to leave the cottage, she also told me to take the rest of the day off. As I left I forgot my jacket, I was about to turn around but decided I would get it tomorrow. I ran on over to the dinning hall, I think that's where everyone gathered, but I could care less, I just wanted to take some more food and head back to my cottage. As I arrived the area was pretty vacant, except for Mahiru and Hiyoko. I heard Hiyoko make some sort of mean comment about me but I shrugged it off, it doesn't matter. I went into the kitchen and made myself some sort of slightly undercooked pasta. It was better than burned at least. I decided on spaghetti and put some chunky pasta sauce in the blender. I turned it on and let the chunks become a much more smoother paste. When that was done I poured it over the noodles, and took out some meatballs. I let them sit on the pan that was searing them as I ate a little bit of the spaghetti. When that was done I added the meatballs to the food and began to eat in the kitchen.

I headed out to my cottage when I was done. Along the way I seemed to have picked up a tiny Yakuza. "Hello Fuyuhiko, what do you need?" I greeted. "What the hell were you two bastards doing in the fucking closet?" Fuyuhiko asked angrily. I put my hands up to show the Yakuza I didn't do anything bad, then I said, "Nothing, we were investigating the new island like you were. She just wanted some help, so I helped her. We then went to the Pharmacy and looked at the closet. I closed the door and began looking through the boxes with her. When we were done we went to leave and the handle fell off." "Tsk. Never fucking do that again, the other wusses were worried we had another shitty trial on our hands," Fuyuhiko said upset. "Hmm come again, do you care for (Y/N) enough to inform me about this?" I teased. "YOU BASTARD!" Fuyuhiko shouted. I let out a soft laughed and waved as I went to my cottage.

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