Chapter 42

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I was on the ground watching as Monokuma took one of my best friends on the island away in an ambulance. I didn't trust Monokuma to save him, now my friend is going to die, if only I could have stopped him. I was on the ground sobbing. I then felt arms pick me up and carry me off the execution ground. I looked at the sleeve of the arms and saw a familiar green. I buried my head into my hands, contemplating all the worst outcomes for Fuyuhiko. Once outside the Trial room I noticed that it was dark out, meaning it is ten, time for lights out. "Hey I can't carry you the whole way, okay? Everything will be fine, Fuyuhiko will survive," (Y/B/F/N) comforted. I felt her hug me again as I cried more. She pulled away and took one of my hands and began to drag me to our shared room. Once we arrived I flopped onto my bed, incapable of doing anything else.

I woke up to the Monokuma announcement. But I decided that today I am not leaving this room, it hurt too much. I heard the shifting of sheets other, not mine. I peeked with one curious eye to see what (Y/B/F/N) was doing. She did her normal routines, as far as I was concerned. When she came out of the bathroom she walked over to me. I closed my eye and pretended to be asleep. "I guess I'll let it slide today," (Y/B/F/N) murmured. I then heard the sound of a door opening and closing softly. Once I waited an extra few minutes I got up from the bed and did my routines. I fishe around in my bag for my simple black head band that had a major blue color at the edges of the petals, while the spots closer to the center were a much whiter blue. I fished around and I couldn't find it! That was my only keepsake of my brother I had! He gave it to me on my fifteenth birthday, a luck charm for when I entered Hope's Peak. I couldn't find it! I knew I had it when I exited the Trial room. I groaned loudly over the fact I couldn't find it. I gave up. I decided I could look for it later. I trashed the jacket I had used to try and help Fuyuhiko. I began to trash anything that had blood on it. I looked in my closet and found a different outfit from the rest, this one was a white long sleeved shirt, ruffled at the ends of the sleeves, and bottom of the shirt. There was also a jean short and some black knee socks. To top it off there was a new head band. I scowled at the new one it was a flower crown, I was tempted to trash it, or even snap it in half, but decided against it. I changed into the new clothes and reluctantly wore the flower crown head band. I noticed some hair ties and decided to put my long chocolate locks into a double braid. When I was done I exited the room, I need to find my headband!

I retraced my steps, I noticed a faint outline of the head band in the sand but it looks as though someone picked it up judging by the scrapes in the sand. I decided that the only way I could get it back was at the morning meeting. I walked reluctantly over, checking the time, it was once again seven, I can't make it on time for the life of me can I? I walked up the outdoor stairs and arrived behind everyone. "GAH WHAT IS THAT!" I shouted at the demonic vibe the new decoration in the dinning hall. I heard many screams right after I shouted. Well I might have created a thing known as a heart attack chain reaction. "YAY (Y/N) IS HERE IBUKI IS HAPPY!" Ibuki shouted once she stopped screaming. "Hiyoko made it, in honor of Mahiru," Sonia informed. "Hiyoko that is very sweet of you, here, I think I can make it even nicer," I said as I reached my hand onto the head band. I took it off and slid the flowers off the head band. I then found a few pins in my bag and pinned the flowers up on to the the decoration, some how it seemed to lift the malice emitting from it. "Wow it even feels more peaceful after you pinned those on," Akane said happily. "Yes even the smell seems nicer," Sonia agreed. What happened? You can't change the smell of candles that are designed to smell one way by pinning flowers onto a board. Did I break the code or something? What did I do? "Y-yeah, it seems, even welcoming?" I questioned. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and shortly after the horrific smell became one that smelled of lilac. The pungent lilac smell filled the dinning hall instantly. Everyone exchanged shocked looks at what they smelled. "You guys smell lilac too right?" I asked shakily. "It would a-appear so," Sonia said. Two more people that were later than me showed up, Nagito and Gundham. "What is that blissful scent that even my four dark devas of destruction are drawn to?!" Gundham exclaimed. Silently everyone pointed at the shrine dedicated to Mahiru. Gundham walked over and inspected the shrine. "Smells nice, what are in those candles?" Nagito asked. Nobody had an answer for that. "Come on, whoever set this marvelous shrine up must've checked the ingredients right?" Nagito asked. Now Gundham said, "This is suppose to smell like burning charcoal!" "Then why do I smell lilac?" Nagito questioned. "(Y-Y/N) w-what trickery d-did you just pull?" Ibuki asked nervously. "I-I don't know," I replied. All gazes returned to me.

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