Chapter 73

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Sorry I am late, but here it is!


"A body has been discovered, now after a certain amount of time has passed, a Class Trial shall be conducted. Who is this person? I don't remember, good luck investigating the nobody!" Monokuma sang.


"A body has been discovered, now after a certain amount of time has passed, a Class Trial shall be conducted. Best of LUCK, to you all!" Monokuma chirped over the announcer. No one was really listening, it was hard to anyways with my screaming. Two of my close friends are up and dead now. Fuyuhiko collapsed beside me onto his knees and sat on them. He stared blankly at the scene.

"You told me we would get out together and live for Peko," Fuyuhiko whispered almost inaudibly. The room was dead silent with the exception of the few choking sounds I made. I thought back to everything, all the time we spent together. I know this wasn't real but it still hurts to know that the body of a person you spent time with was dead in front of you and would never move again. That thought took my mind away from me. How can something that was so animated just stop? You can never talk to this person again, they will never get up and brush off the pain and get better. They will be picked up, dressed, and buried. Then you'll never see their physical body again. Only in pictures can you see the dead again, and if they don't have any, there's nothing of them left. How can something so horrible exist? I cursed my talent, I will remember the look of scrunched up pain in my friend's eyes for the rest of my life in excruciating detail. I can only imagine how the others feel knowing that this is real. Chiaki was the first to move. She stumbled forwards, nearly tripping over air like (Y/N) would always do. She then fell to her knees in front of the body. The body. It is no longer (Y/N), it's just the physical appearance of a person that is no longer existent in there. I didn't even refer to it as (Y/N)'s body... I notice her peer at it with searching eyes. I was unsure of what she was looking for.

Eventually Hajime stuttered, "W-we should get moving, the Class Trial w-will begin s-soon." Everyone nodded numbly. I rose to my feet, wiping my face of any more tears or snot that might've leaked from my face. Fuyuhiko did likewise, but he had a deadly calm aura around himself. Kazuichi went up to Fuyuhiko and patted his shoulder in understanding not saying anything. Sonia had bent down to Chiaki's level and hug her sideways, shoulder to shoulder. Akane had hugged me tight despite her physical attributes. Slowly, investigation began.

I took a deep shaky breath and steadied myself. I blinked my eyes a few times. Quietly to myself I had whispered, "Let's do this," like (Y/N) would do to herself mentally. I first grabbed my E-Handbook and flipped to the file pages. It had files 5 & 6. One for (Y/N) and another one for Nagito. When I flipped it open, it had (Y/N)'s first. The fact they had two different files means it is being treated like two separate murders, but how? They are both dead here, they both must've died the same way right? I swiped upward on the Monokuma File 5 to reveal...nothing. All it said was no information about this person never existed. I scrolled down again. It had a Monokuma face captioned, "Upupupupup," but this time the information shown was like the others. It had her image with the pink DEAD stamped over it as well as the basic information. I bit my tongue, how dare Monokuma disrespect the dead. I swiped down again. The estimated time of death is from Midnight to Noon. Why is there such a time gap of when (Y/N) could've died, that is suspicious. The body was discovered in the warehouse. It had an image of her dead corpse in "real" life and then her body in the another picture as well as some facts on the side. The image had that normally showcased the wounds had orange marks instead of pink. In the corner it read, "orange means possible areas of wounds, may not be accurate or there at all, or the chart might be missing some places". I sighed, why is this one so ambiguous! Under the fact file it read, "(Y/N) has died. There is a possibility that there is a fatal wound on her stomach, but nothing else. Toxin was also found in her lungs". Helpful... not really. I then swiped down again to read Monokuma File 6. Nagito. It had similar things thins time the cause of death and images were more precise. He had a spear plunged into his stomach, lacerations on his left arm and a knife in his right hand. On his legs are deep cuts. That was all given.

I first went over to Nagito knowing it would be easier to investigate his body rather than (Y/N). I noticed the pain look in his eyes, it was still present but was fading rapidly with a gray cloudiness. Chiaki had moved beside me without my noticing. She removed the tape stuck to Nagito's mouth to reveal it gaping wide open. Hajime and the others took note of this before Chiaki put the tape back on. I saw the knife in Nagito's right hand and the bloody monokuma doll that had a hole cut into it. I looked at his battered body. There were cuts along his legs, deep might I add. The spear was plunged through his whole body and several thinner cuts were laced up his arm. I saw the spear had a whip attached to it. It led to the other body's hand. I then decided to get a good look at the scene without tears. In all honesty it looked like (Y/N) might've tortured Nagito. However, (Y/N)'s outfit was drastically different than what she normally wears. Instead of the midnight blue jacket, she had a normal white button up shirt. She had the rest of her clothes but they looked disheveled. It was as if someone had tried to change her outfit but failed and made it look messy. Chiaki seemed to be determined to find something in the warehouse. Behind a few boxes Chiaki's pastel hair popped up. She was shuffling behind the boxes as if she was struggling with grabbing something. When Chiaki had removed herself from the boxes there was something gripped tightly in her right hand and something in her left hand. She quickly stuffed whatever was in her right hand into her pocket and raised her left hand high in the air.

"Hey look what I found," Chiaki said loud enough to be heard. The others turned toward her and saw there was a few pieces of clothing in her left hand. It was a... jacket, and white shirt. Everyone gathered around as Chiaki laid out the clothes. They were bloody with tears in them. It looked like (Y/N)'s jacket and shirt. I rushed out over to her body and lifted up the shirt (Y/N) was wearing just to reveal her stomach and there were bandages over it. Not only that, there was blood seeping obviously into it.

"What the fuck?" I whispered audibly. The other snapped their heads towards me and slowly walked over. When the others were gathered, I had rolled over (Y/N)'s body to showcase the bandages better. It was obvious. Now was this the cause of death, or the toxins? I was so confused. What does any of this mean.

"What is this?"

"What does this mean?"

"How...?" Were all various concerns being echoed throughout the room.

I broke out of that train of thought, I had to continue investigating. I pried open (Y/N)'s hand. It looked like the weighted end of the spear was more loosely put into her hand rather than being purposely held. I sighed and went back to Nagito's body. As I looked up at the ceiling I noticed that there was blood on it, how strange. I then noticed the whip of the spear had blood on it too. Weird. I then inspected Nagito's hand. It was oddly unstained with blood, the palms at least. The other arm was equally strange. The rope was burnt, but the sleeve of the jacket wasn't. Looking around I then noticed a lighter not to far away. Could this have started the fire? It was close to the curtains. Then I quickly took note of the fire grenades, couldn't be too over prepared. When I looked over at the weighted end of the whip I noticed that there was a space that wasn't covered in blood, it was about the size of a fist. Finally I looked at the ropes tied to Nagito. It was like someone wanted to keep him in place to be tortured, there couldn't be any other reason right? I felt I was finished investigating here. I decided I should do like Nagito would and investigate the cottages. Only it would be his.

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