Outside - prt.2/2

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I raised my eyebrow.

And they call me crazy, I said.

Don't you dare -

Enough! Both of you! Snapped our favourite sherif.

But! tried to reply the man's son.

And they call me childish, I pointed out once more, as I gently sat.

The sherif interrupted his son before he could make a fool of himself once more; She's testing you boy, let it go.

I looked at him and rose an eyebrow; we both knew that wasn't my point. He made me subtly sign to shut it. I rose my shoulders - oh well.

Oh well what? asked the sherif's son.

The voices, I whispered, bowing closer to him over the table, they want me to burn the place out and get the hell out if here.

The sherif's son had a very shocked expression, and I couldn't help bur snort.

Oh, come on. Gimme credit mate - I'm just joking! (He let go of a breathe he had apparently held.) That's not what they really said, I added, to freak him out.

He gave me a weird look, and I winked at him.

So what I learned is what you wanted to know now, is it not? I said, like this conversation was normal to follow with the other - apparently, for our baby cop it wasn't. The sherif, for his advantage, had no particular reaction.

Yes indeed, if you would mind, enlighten us? he asked.

I crippled my eyes to look at him. I like you still, I said to the old man, before answering his question. It was a man that operated, and from the victims' point of view, that's all. But anyone - probably even just an inch apart from that spot - could see the others around. He could not tell what, how or why, but apparently this guy gave the victim a visit card. The guy then left, and the other boys would take him over.

And about the man? asked me the cop, avid to know the most he could.

Have you ever seen Batman? Or Suicide Squad?

He gave me a hard look, to which I only felt like spitting in his face.

He said it was the Joker himself, that he saw in that coat. The crazy romantic guy perfectly imagined by DC's comics...

Wait - are you seriously fantasying on that movie character? I mean really?

No, most certainly not! But if the Joker were to exist, the world would be much funner...

Excuse me?

He sounded offended. I took the same tone than him.


What is that supposed to mean?

Nothing someone like you could understand. Any other question before you send me back to my "hole", officer?

Yes, actually, I do. Just one. Why did you do such a thing to that innocent man?

You want that case solved? Than you need actual intel.

Still don't get your point.

None of your protective custody could have protected him - either he turned insane in the interrogation room on himself, or while you "protected" him. One does not need another's voice to drive him crazy - his own may as well be enough. I solved that problem for them - and as long as you don't say either of us spoke to you, there's a chance they come to me.

And how would that be good in any possible way?

I could be your inside girl.

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