11- Dinner.

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Days passed and my head got better as well as my bruises. I was clearly better, Gino continued checking on me but he would just text me or email me, didn't come to see me because had work to do, and I told him I'd be fine.

It was Friday, I was wearing a red wine long sleeve dress with a beautiful cleavage and some high heels and my hair was straight.

I was at my office working on my laptop and going through some papers, when Gino came in. Yes, he didn't even bother to knock.

"Here" he gave me some papers. "This is what you were asking for. Now, the new contract with the German company is gonna happen next week. They're coming here to see what's all about and finally decide if they take it or not" "Agh! I actually thought I was gonna have a free weekend" "We can start tomorrow, I heard you got a date tonight" I was confused... then it hit me. "That's what you heard?" I said teasing, he nodded. "You look good today" I immediately blushed. "Thank you..." "See you later" He left.

When it was almost time for me to leave, I started closing everything and grabbed some files I'd probably need over the weekend. Before going I went to Gino's office, I didn't bother to knock I just went in. he was on his phone, but I actually didn't pay attention to it.

"So are we ready?" he said hanging up. "I don't know, are we?" I said, he smiled. "Let's go" I got in my car and he got in his, I was supposed to follow him but on every red light I was getting ready.

I fixed my makeup and applied some lotion on my skin. I was nervous but I was also trying my best not to show it. Everything's okay, he was just some friend... Well not a friend... but... who was I kidding? I was fcking nervous, and I think the reason is because I'm not good with just going for "lust" instead of "love". You can't just love with half of your heart, you're not half pregnant, you are or not, this is not a game.

I don't wanna get hurt, that feels terrible, it's just, ugh, too much to handle. Anyway, we were almost there. I went out trying my best, to breathe and act normal, I don't know why I was like that.

"The night is really quite and calm even though it is Friday" he said calling the elevator. "Right?" I looked at him with a side smile, "Ugh, elevators" "It's ok" he came closer. Well I wasn't expecting this, but it felt good. He pressed the button of our floor. "I can take care of that" he said.

We went inside the apartment which looked more like a mansion. It had big windows that went from the roof to the floor. You could literally see the whole city. I walked closer. "This is beautiful" I was amazed, "Mine is a total shame if we compare it to yours" He laughed. "Yours is pretty, seems like you haven't taken the time to redecorate it but it is fine" "Alright" I laughed acting like if what he said didn't hurt me because I redecorated it like months ago –but we good. "But I will, someday, I guess" "Wine?" he asked and I nodded. I took my jacket off and sat near the window.

"Come here" he said. I walked to the kitchen and there he was, he was wearing an apron, looking all cute, preparing things to make me dinner. That sounded cute. He is cute. "Is pizza okay with you?" "Oh my god yes!!! I could have an orgasm just by you mentioning it, it's my favorite thing" "Oh you will...I can imagine" he smirked. Alright, maybe that wasn't the best way of expressing my love for pizza.

We started talking and drinking.

"So, first kiss? How did it go?" he said. "Ow! Not so good, I can't remember exactly how it went, like the exact thing, but it wasn't as good as I imagined it could be. What about you?" "You're gonna laugh...So I have an older brother, and he had a friend, girl friend. I asked him to ask her to teach me how to kiss, I was like twelve years old maybe. So he did, and one night she came over to our house and did what she was asked. So yeah, my first kiss was with my brother's friend, she always mention that. Every time we hang out. It was embarrassing" "Oh my! No way!!" we laughed and shared funny stories until we were interrupted by his phone ringing.

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