Part 1.

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Newt's POV
I walked down the crowded hallways of our school, being pushed around at times from other students rushing to get to their next class, even though passing time wasn't nearly up. I had to make a stop by my locker to get my algebra book. I approached my typical dark blue locker, with a sigh opening it. Soon enough I was turned around by a strong force and was shoved against the locker, wincing as my head came in contact with a sharp medal part. "Hey punk, what do you think your doing!" Thomas, the school bully, yelled at me spit getting all over my face. "I was trying to ge... " He pushed me against the locker again this time harder, then he walked away leaving me in pain. "Ow, bloody hell that hurts" I say rubbing the spot on my head that received the most impact, noticing a small bump forming.I grab my book and make my way to the classroom. As I enter the class and sit down the bell rings, just in time, I say in my head. Algebra class seemed to drag on as my headache got worst by the minute. By the end of class the pain was almost unbearable. Once class was over I walked down the hall to the nurse office. As I was making my way to class I got shoulder checked by none only, Thomas. "Hello dear, what is up with you today?" The nurse asks sweetly. "During passing time I fell and hit my head, so now i got a bloody killer headache." I say partially lying. "Okay just let me look at it and ill fix you right up." The nurse looks at my head and asks me what hurts and what doesnt, she gives me a pain reliver and an ice pack for my head. "Do you have anyway of transportation at the moment?" The nurse asks me. "My mum can come pick me up." "Okay just tell me her phone number and I'll call her right up." "123-4567" I reply. She dials the number and my mum almost picks up instantly. The nurse explains that I need to be picked up. I wait in the office for my mum to get here, soon enough I see her through the office window, she fills out the papers to take me home. "So what did you do today, and why do i have to pick you up?" She asks as I step into the car. "During passing time I fell and hit my head, the nurse thinks i should go home and rest because I could get a concussion." I explain partialy lying again. "Oh, okay make sure you go home and rest." My mum says. As we get home I take her advice and take a pain relver, fix myself another ice-pack and go lay down until I fell asleep. Thankfully tomorrow is Saturday.

Thomass POV

I wake up alone in my apartment the net day, turning my head to look at the clock. Ugh its to early to be getting up on a Saturday. I groan and decide its no use to try and go back to sleep. I get up and do my normal morning routine of taking a shower while brushing my teeth, killing two birds with one stone am I right. Once I get out of the shower and dry my hair to the best of my ability, giving up I draped the towl around my shoulders and put underwear and pants on. I walk out of the bathroom and get myself some very fancy breakfast, including cereal. Once I sit down I groan as I hear my phone go off. I get up and check the caller ID Minho. I pick up and say "Listen man, if it's for a party I'm not going." "It's not that go watch the news." He says. "Why do you want me to go watch the news?" "Just do it you shank." I turn on the TV and change the channel to channel 4 (my news channel here.) "Minho I dont get it. Why do you want me to..." I stop as a picture of Newt comes on, saying he tried to kill himslf by jumping off his balcony, and is now getting treatment, and hasn't woken up yet. "Thats the poor soul you always pick on, don't you feel at least a little guilty." Minho says. "Shut up I'm trying to listen." I snap back at him. The news reporter then goes on the say the attempted suicide was because, "the bullies at school were getting to be to much, and he was feeling worthless." After that they went on to talk about something less importat. Minho sighs over the phone then says " poor kid, say aren't you one of the bullies?" I hang up on him, then walk into my room and burry my face into my pillow. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.

Soooo how did you like this if you are reading it, this is my newtmas fanfiction and i hope you liked it, it is my first fanfiction, it would also mean a lot to me if you go checked out my instagram Lilokiy or newt_flaminhos :)))))

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