Part 5.

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Newt's POV
It's been a day since Tommy kissed me, and holly hell has it been a good day, yesterday Tommy asked me out and we are now official, I feel like one of those cheesy school girls now having her first boyfriend. Excuse my inner fanboy, but he has been so nice to me. "Hey Newt?" "Yeah?" "What are you doing? You have been staring at your sandwich for the past three minutes." "Oh sorry, I was thinking about us." "So cheesy, maybe I should start calling you cheese head." (My boyfriend lol. "Ha ha ha, very funny." I laugh sarcastically. "So I was wanderin' all you have done since you've been here is sit around at my house, I was thinking I could take you out to dinner." He says blushing. "Like a date?" I ask. "Yeah... Sure." He studders. I laugh at his cuteness. I grab his hand and interwind our fingers. "I would love to." He smiles at me. He's to cute! Since me and Thomas have to same kind of phone we were able to charge mine. I heard my phone go off and questioned who should be calling me. I get up and look at the caller ID: mum. I sigh and answer it, putting it on speaker so Tommy scold hear. "Hello? Newt, where are you sweetie?" "I'm at my friends, wait no scratch that boyfriends house." I responded, Tommy giving me a smile. "I'm sorry for what I've been doing to you I went into rehab I'm better now I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner and grab your things." "I'll think about it then text you." I say hanging up, looking at Tommy. "Let's go, it's your mom and she sounded sincere." Tommy says." Okay I'll text her.
N: we will come over what time
M: okay sweetie come over at 4
N: ok
"Its 3:15 we should start getting ready babe." (Omg he called him babe 😭😍." I say. "Okay." Was his reply. (Time skip brought to you by crank TV [I'm not even sorry.]) Once we arrive at my house I start to get nervous. Tommy looks at me and grabs my hand reassuringly. "It's okay." He says. We enter my house and see my mum walk around the corner. I felt someone behind us, before o could turn around and see who it was a cloth was cut over our face making us pass out.!
‼️‼️‼️rape scene may be triggering‼️‼️‼️
When we wake up we are in the cellar, naked typed to a chair. We look at each other, with worried expressions on our face. "I try to talk but notice there is a cloth gag tied around my head. I hear footsteps coming down. It's my parents, if I can even call them that, wait why is my dad out of jail! "Well well well. What do we have here." My mum says knealing down by Thomas taking his member in her hands I see my dad set down a bag in the middle of us, looking down what was in it scared me, toys. My mum grabs a whip and whips Thomas on the chest. "Have you been nice to little Newtie latley." My mum says. I see my dad grab something out of the bag. It appears to be a medal rod about the size of a pencil. "Well Newtie you wanna know what this is for?" He grabs my member and put the medal rod down it forcing it down I try to scream but to no avail because of the gag.
‼️‼️end rape scene‼️‼️😉😉😉‼️
We hear a loud knocking coming from upstairs. My mum and dad get up and walk upstairs. "Hello this is the police, we are here to come examine your house, for someone has reported hearing strange noises." "There was nothing I promise." I hear my mum lie. "We still have to look." The police say walking into our house. They walk around coming across the cellar door. We hear them walk down. "I swear there nothing down there just boxes!" I hear my mum plead. We see to police and they look at us. "Miss does this look like nothing to you?"
(End part 5 how was it? Did I do good?)

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