[ chapter four ]

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04 | messages to the inhabitants of the world

04 | messages to the inhabitants of the world

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After Moira rambled on about what Apocalypse was and how the four supporters were his Horsemen, Evan was sitting down, lazily looking around the room. There was an awkward silence around the room, resulting from everyone just standing around with nothing to say.

"You know him?"

Her attention was directed towards Peter, who as of now was talking to Raven. She looked at him questioningly, wondering who he was talking about.

"Magneto," He further explained.

"I used to... but I am not so sure anymore," Raven admitted.

"What was he like?" Peter asked, the curiosity evident in his tone. "Was he like they say he was? A-um, a bad guy?"

"No. I mean yeah, he was-," Raven stopped herself; "Why do you care so much? Did you see his speech on TV or something?"

"Yeah um, he's my father," He admitted, releasing a breath.

"What?" Both Evan and Raven said in unison, eyes wide.

"He and my mom, they-"

Evan cut him off, already knowing the conclusion of that conversation.

"Yeah Pete, we know... but are you sure?"

Peter didn't meet her eyes, instead his gaze set on the floor.

"Yeah. He left my mom before I was born. I met him 10 years back but I didn't know who he was until I did. But it was too late. Then I saw him on TV again, that's why I was at the house; I came looking for him. But by the time I got there, it was too late, again."

He looked up then, smiling a weak smile, "You know, for a guy who moves as fast as me, I always seem too late."

Before any words of comfort were exchanged, a voice interrupted their thoughts.

Hear me inhabitants of this world.

Evan jumped slightly, not used to people talking in her head; and by the looks of it, the same conversation was in everyone's mind.

This is a message.

"I think it's the Professor," Hank announced.

A message to every man, woman, and mutant. You have lost your way. But I have returned; the day of reckoning is here. All your buildings and temples... will fall. The dawn of a new era emerges. For there is nothing you can do to stop what is coming. 

Evan's eyes grew wide with fear, imagining all the people who were at risk.

This message is for one reason alone. To tell the strongest among you, those with the greatest power; this Earth will be yours. Those with the greatest power, protect those without. That is my message to the world.

Before anyone could say anything else, their sight was directed towards the window, yellow lights blaring and no sign of anyone of the other side. But soon that changed, for Kurt appeared in front of them. He started mouthing something, not having any clue that their was a microphone.

"What?" Everyone chorused.

"Stay aw....om... th... oor!" Kurt exclaimed, his voice cracking through the microphone.

Raven's eyes widened in realization, "Stay away from the door!"

Peter wrapped his arms around Evan pulling her back into his chest, making sure she didn't get harmed. Like hell was he letting this girl get harmed.

"On three," Kurt instructed. "One.. Two-"

The door exploded, causing Peter to tighten his hold on Evan. The dust settled, letting them see their saviors. Evan gasped, seeing her sister standing there with the same boy from the mansion.

His name is Scott-

Her sister's voice echoed in her head. Evan looked at her, seeing as she had a smirk on her face once noticing that Evan was wrapped up in someone's arms.

But what is more important is who is that boy that has his arms around you... Your mind is plagued with thoughts about him! You like-

Jean stopped, once noticing the menacing glare her sister was sending her way. It only caused her smirk to grow.

"We know where the Professor is," Jean told them.

Scott nodded in agreement, "I think we might have a way out of here."

"Well you've been busy," Raven told them, causing Evan to send the two teens a pointed look.

"We had help," Scott answered innocently.

He looked at all of them, "Let's go."

He led the way out of the room, the group following close behind. Kurt suddenly appeared in front of Scott, causing him to jump in surprise and yell out a "Jesus!" 

"Oh! Sorry!" Kurt called to him.

Evan laughed, despite the situation, causing Peter to turn his head towards her. He noticed the way her eyes were glistening, and he came to a conclusion. She was beautiful. He shook his head with lightly pink cheeks, only for them to redden once Jean shot him a knowing look.

They all stopped once Scott lead them into a room. 

"Nice," Hank said in approval.

Raven agreed with him, "Hey Hank, do you think you can fly this?"

He simply shrugged, "Yeah, I can figure it out."

A new set of lights turned on, revealing a set of matching suits. Raven looked impressed and determined. 

"You got your warplane," Raven told them, "Let's go to war." 

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