The Thirteenth Year

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The second I fell my body awaken I forced my eyes open without a struggle. It was finally here.

Today was my thirteenth birthday.

I was officially a teenager, nearly three months into my eighth grade year.

I pushed the covers off my slim body and ran excitedly down the stairs. Nothing or no one appeared to be there except a little white sparkly card placed neatly next to a small wrapped box touched up with a bow.

I smiled at the sight as I picked up the card between my fingers.

"Happy 13th Birthday, Daughter" the store-bought card wrote in glittered handwriting on the front. I opened the card to reveal a $20 bill and a note handwritten in pen.

"Happy Birthday, Leslie! You're officially our beautiful teenager! You're not a little girl anymore, baby, you're maturing into an aspiring young woman. We are both so very proud of you! We left early this morning to pick up your special birthday gift. Hope you like the one left on the counter for you!

P.S. There are chocolate chip pancakes in the fridge for breakfast, prepared especially for you. We'll be back as soon as possible!

With All The Love In The World,
Mom & Dad."

I smiled and chuckled a few times as I read through the heartwarming note left by my parents. It was a Sunday I was happy to not have to go to school today.

I set the card down as it was and retrieved the gift box left at its side. As I unwrapped the paper, my heart guessed what could be inside.

When I finally had it uncovered, I peered down into the small box only to set my eyes on the beautifully made necklace that must have cost a fortune.

My name was engraved into the silver necklace that contained a few blue diamonds on each letter of 'Leslie' which was astonishingly written in handwriting. The chain was a glowing silver that almost made your eyes hurt to look at, it was so shiny.

I gasped squeamishly as I slapped my hand over my mouth. Tears formed in my eyes as I solemnly wished I could embrace my mom and dad in the most loving hug in the world. How could this not have been the special gift?

Then I remembered I had promised Jess, my best friend for the past three years, that I'd meet him in our magical kingdom of Terabithia first thing in the morning at his request.

I placed the necklace in my hand and clenched my fist tight as I could and I ran back up the stairs to get dressed.

Over the years my fashion sense further developed. I was still as unique and different as I had been three years earlier when I moved here, but as I got older so did my sense of fashion.

I put on my army green cargo pants and colorful socks (that never changed). I scanned my closet for the perfect shirt and stood there indecisively for longer than planned. I finally decided on my red shirt with ripped sleeves with a rose imprinted on the front side. I added my jean vest on top and hurried into the bathroom to fix myself up.

I shoved the necklace deep into my vest pocket and pushed myself out the door.

I ran the entire way to the rope that had been the only way you could enter Terabithia for the past three years.

The kingdom of Terabithia grew with both Jess and myself over the years and had never been shared with anyone else before. We vowed to keep it that way back in the fifth grade and both still keep honor to our word.

The giant troll who we settled that she resembled Janice Avery, had become one of Terabithia's allies rather than an enemy, which we believed it was as soon as we uncovered the kingdom.

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