Chapter 1: New boy

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I walked down the smelly school hallway in my black skinny jeans, nikes, white shirt with a black bomber jacket on. Some people looked at me and others didn't. I looked around the hallway at the groups of people talking to each other. Many cliche cliques but other friend groups were in the mix that were different. Like mine. I walked up to my group of junk.

"What's up losers?" I asked fist bumping my friend Keith. Keith is a soccer player, he's the jock of the group. Then there's Jordan, the "good looking" nerd, then there's Kelly, the dancer and girly girl. Then there's Silas, aka, my best friend. A regular good guy who's not into playing sports. Last but not least there's me. The fun one, of course.

"We've been waiting for you." Jordan said. I shrug as they continue to talk about random things. I love to watch people. I can tell the fake from the real. The hoes from the virgins. I just always know. I'm weird because I watch people. It's my way of getting to know someone. Like Jessica Voss.

She's the cliche quiet, bullied girl who's really pretty but wears glasses and has braces with bad allergies. I know her favorite color is purple. She wears it a lot and tends to write in purple pen. She likes basketball from all the basketball stuff in her locker but she's to scared to join. I also know her dad died because everyday before 1st period she holds onto a locket with a picture of her dad and kisses it.

I'm different, this is my way of making new friends. I notice these things when others don't. The bell rang and I went with Kelly to our 1st period.

"Can you believe Jake asked me out?" Kelly squealed.

"I can believe it because you guys have been flirting sense the beginning of the year." I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"Right, you notice everything." She mocked.

"That's correct. I'm a witch." I said waving my hands making her laugh. Our laughing stopped as I saw the queen bee of the school, Sasha, push Jessica into a locker.

"Stay away from my man." She spat and pushed her again. I rolled my eyes. I walked over and sighed.

"What do you want Penelope?" She asked me looking bored.

"Give it a rest will you? If your boyfriend loves you like he says he does then he won't cheat. He can talk to other girls. It's called having friends. I see you talk to other guys all the time." I ranted. Her face went straight as she stood there. She turned around and walked away. She perfume leaving a cloud around us. I looked at Jessica and she looked at the ground.

"Stand up for yourself. I won't always be here." I said and walked away. The final bell rang as Kelly and I walked into class.

"Meijer's and Donny late again." Mr.Clyde spoke. I smiled at him.

"But we're here dude." I said and sat in my seat. I'm not fond of this classroom. It's dark and always dusty. It smells like old bleach and wet dog. Stained ceilings from water leaks and old chalk boards. Our school doesn't really have money and is on the verge of shutting down but someone sends the school enough money to stay open every year. 

I did my work and chatted with people in the class. I'm acquaintances with people in this school. We're not exactly all friends. The class grew silent as a new kid walked in with the principle. He talked with the teacher before he was sent to a seat. "Wassup new boy. What's your name?" Davonte shouted. Everyone looked at the new boy and he looked at us.

"Austin. Austin Fletch." The girls smiled and waved. I did what I always do, I watched him. I didn't strip him with my eyes like other girls. He's not the new bad boy and he's not the scared new guy. He's got some confidence. He's like Silas, he's normal. He has long brown hair and brown eyes, kind of tan skin. Huh....Austin Fletch.

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