Chapter Sixteen

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In a flash we, Gale and I, were back in our own dimension. I thought that we would have gone through all that I did going to that dimension. You know, all the shapes and colours. I guess I was wrong.

Gale let go of me, we were back at his cabin, in our dimension, in front of his desk.

"Wait, was it that fast?" I was confused. How didn't we see all the different shapes and colours and the swirls and I so on?

"It's because your equation was direct, unlike mine which led you to that dimension, it directed us back to this spot," Gale explained.

"Cecilia, are you in here?" Rixton said coming into the room.

"Yeah," I embraced him in a bear hug. I missed him.

"What happened to your hair and your eyes? And who is that man?" Rixton shot questions.

"This is my brother, also known as Professor Gale Williams, and he is responsible for the change in my hair colour and eyes," I answered his questions.

"Rixton did you find her?" Nate said also joining us in the room, "Woah, what happened to your hair and your eyes? And who is that?"

"That is her brother the professor who disappeared, and she says that he was responsible for the hair and eye colour change," Rixton informed Nate.

"Oh, but if he disappeared how come he is here right now?" Nate asked.

"Funny story, actually I was-" Gale began but only to be cut off by me. "Well, you see, he didn't actually disappear, he was away on business," I lied.

Rixton and Nate seemed to accept the lie while Gale gave me the look.

"Wait, but where were you? We looked for you everywhere Cecilia, we even looked in here but you weren't yet now here you are."

"How long exactly was I gone for?" I questioned.

"Just lil over four hours," Nate answered.



"Let's go, Gale I'll see yah around," I said.

"Okay, nice meeting you professor," Rixton and Nate walked out the door.

I turned towards Gale, "We will have a meeting with the council before we ever talk about the other dimension," I told him before hugging him.

"Sure, see yah around sis."

"See yah around too bro."

I walked out of the cabin to meet Rixton and Nate. Thank goodness that they didn't ask any questions.


"So what are you going to do for the rest of the night?" Rixton asked as we walked back through the path to campus.

"I was thinking about going and sleep," I was really tired and I could not wait to sleep. That whole transporting thing drained my energy.

"Alright, I just texted Mia. I'm going to meet her at the Halloween party, it's still going on, see you tomorrow," Rixton said giving me a side hug, "And Nate make sure she reaches back to her dorm safe."

"I can handle myself you know, I don't need a babysitter," I shot back at Rixton but he was already jogging up ahead.

"Looks like it's just me and you now," Nate said from beside me.

"Yeah it looks so."

We walked back to campus and we didn't have to sneak back in, the gate was already open.

"Sooooo..." Nate began.

"Sooooo?" I tried to imitate him.

"Umm ... yeah ... well I was thinking... if you have some free time, would you like to go out sometime?" we stopped walking, "I mean only if you have free time. You don't need to say yes or anything, it's just a thought but if you don't want to then you don't have to. I mean-"

"Stop ranting," I had to or else he would have embarrassed himself more. He was actually blushing. Oh my gosh, he's blushing, he was nervous and he's acting all shy. Nate was shy?

"What are you trying to say exactly?" I asked.

"Will you go on a date with me please? But it doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to, I mean it could be a date but if you don't want it to -"


"I understand, I didn't really expect you to agree anyway though-"

"I said yes."

"Wait, you did?" his voice held this hope withing it.

"Yes." I repeated for the third time. Before I knew if I was being crushed in a bear hug by Nate. I froze, okay like what going on with my body and these tingles? I mean like everywhere where he is touching me there are tingles. And I'm liking it? Huh?

Nate must have noticed that I wasn't hugging him back and he release his hold but we were still very close and I could feel his body heat. He had his head hanging low.

"Sorry," mumbled.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"The hug."

"Uh, I am seriously not accustomed to people just hugging me that's all." It's true, especially when the person is him. I don't know what is wrong with my body, but it's like I actually want to hug him now.



The rest of the walk to my dorm was silent. Nate still had his head down and his cheeks still held their red crimson colour.

We reached my dorm room's door.

"Thank you for accompanying me all the way here," I said trying to fill the silence.

"Yeah, no prob," he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Now I really wanted to hug him. Why? I don't know. But I just did. Yes, I hugged him. At first he froze but he soon relaxed and hugged me back. I just enjoyed the tingles that ran through my body even though they are confusing me.

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