Aoi Faints

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You sighed as you opened your front door.
With Aoi preparing for the upcoming tour, every day you'd come home to silence. You'd watch Netflix by yourself for the rest of the afternoon, and then make dinner. Always leaving a plate for Aoi in the microwave, for whenever he came home. And everyday, with the exception of a few miracles, you'd wake up alone; traces of his existence left behind. Today however was one of those exceptions. Opening the door, you were greeted by the smell of cigarette smoke. There he was, sitting on the couch, practicing the guitar. "Aoi!" You almost screeched, as you ran to kiss and hug him. "Welcome home baby." He said hugging you back. "How did you get home so early? I though you were practicing today." You asked as you sat beside him.
He placed the guitar down and lit up a cigarette. Taking a puff he ran a hand through his hair. "They sorta sent me home..." "What do you mean sent you home? Did something happen?" You asked worriedly. "I just got a bit dizzy and fainted, no big deal babe." He said taking a longer drag of his cigarette. "No big deal?! You fainted! Did they take you to the hospital?" You yelled.  He nodded as he sat back. "I'm serious, it's fine. I was just a little dehydrated. I'll be fine for tomorrow." "Are you skipping meals at work? Are you taking care of yourself?" You asked. "Relax, I'm fine. And skipping a few meals won't do any harm either. This tour is important. I don't want to let my fans down." He replied putting out the cigarette.
Taking a close look at his face, you could tell he wasn't fine. Dark bags hung under his eyes, and he was considerably paler than usually. Grabbing his hand, you pulled him into your bedroom, and pushed him down on the bed. "Hey, I'm supposed to be practicing right now-" he complained. "Lay on your stomach." You ordered, to which he complied.
Running your hands up and down his shoulder blades and spine, you began to massage the knots in his back. "That feels good..." He mumbled, his tense muscles relaxing. "I know." You giggled. "You're making me worried... Please take better care of yourself." He turned and pulled you into his arms. " I just don't want to disappoint everyone." You closed your eyes and sank closer to his chest.
"There's no way you could ever disappoint anyone. At least not me." "I love you." He whispered, also closing his eyes, and drifting off to sleep. "I love you too." You whispered back.

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