Don't Forget Me

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You answered your phone. And that's when the nightmare began.
'There's been an accident' "Please follow me miss. He just came out from surgery and is still a bit groggy, but the internal bleeding has stopped, and he's ok." You followed the tall nurse down the corridor and finally reached Aoi's room.
You hesitantly opened the door, and walked in.
"Aoi? Are you awake?" The nurse asked as she also walked in. "Yes." He replied sitting up on the bed.
"Who's this?" He pointed towards you.
(Yikes🌚) Your eyes widened.
"What do you mean? This is your wife,Y/N. You can't remember?" The nurse walked over to him, and inspected him. She tapped a few spots on his head, constantly asking if it hurt. "I'll have to page Doctor Shepherd." The nurse replied after concluding she'd be of no help. (Grey's Anatomy anyone?)
Grabbing her clipboard, she walked to you. She placed a hand on your shoulder as she tried to comfort you. "He seems to have a case of amnesia. We won't know if it'll be permanent, so don't give up." She walked out, closing the door behind her.
"I'm sorry, but what was your name again?" He asked.
You gulped. How were you supposed to process this, your own husband had forgotten you.
"Y/N..." You replied sitting on the chair beside the bed. You tried to hold back your tears. It wasn't his fault he'd forgotten.
"Did you forget about everyone else too?" You fidgeted with your fingers. It was stupid, but maybe if he replied with 'yes' you'd feel better. Like it was reasonable that he'd forgotten you, because he'd forgotten everyone else too. But that wasn't the case.
He shook his head. "I still remember Uruha, Ruki, Kai, and Reita." He crossed his arms and rubbed the side of his head.
"...and Mayumi." Mayumi? Who the fuck was Mayumi? Mayumi? Who the fuck was Mayumi?
"Mayumi? Aoi, who is she?" You sat forward on your chair. Aoi would never cheat on you. He'd never cheat on you. He loved you. You were on the verge of a panic attack, and the suspense was killing you. He'd never cheat on me. You repeated in your head.
"She's my girlfriend." He looked away uncomfortably. You'd gotten up from your chair frantically by now, sobbing incoherently. "We're married! How long have you been cheating on me?! How could you do this to me? I love you!" You paced around the room. "I'm sorry, but I can't remember you. I can't remember ever marrying you, or loving you or-" He stopped when he saw your expression change from utter anger to heartbreak.
"Well if you can't remember loving me, there's no point in us being married. I'll have the divorce papers ready by tomorrow." You grabbed your purse and stormed out of the room.
You couldn't hold it in any longer once you got in your car. Inevitably you'd started weeping against the steering wheel.
Through tears, you sent Reita a text. You always confided in him, hell, he was the one who'd introduced you to Aoi.
//Aoi and I broke up, please come over tonight.// You wiped the mascara running down your face, and were on your way home.
Waiting at your front door was Reita. Exhausted, you ran into his arms once you saw him.
"I brought ice cream." He lifted up a grocery bag.
The rest of the night, you planned on binge watched movies and ate snacks.
"You know he cheated on me?" You said pulling the spoon from your mouth.
He looked up from his own bowl of ice cream.
"He's not that type of guy." He replied. "He told me so himself. He said some girl, Mayumi, was his girlfriend. I can't-" You hyperventilated. "Mayumi?" Reita questioned.
"That was Aoi's first girlfriend when he was younger. They haven't seen each other in years." He added.
"Well, they have been seeing each other. I already told him I want to divorce." You mumbled.
Reita took the ice cream away from you, and got up. He tossed your purse on your lap in the process. "I'm driving you back there. You can't break up over something like this." He pulled you out the door, but you stopped him in his tracks. "What're you doing? I told you he cheated on me, I'm not going back!" You yelled.
"There's no way he's cheating on you with her. She's dead. She's been dead for almost 10 years." You ran inside, and saw the nurse from earlier.
"Visiting hours are over, you'll have to come back tomorrow." She stated.
You shook your head jogging towards Aoi's room.
"No! I'm still his wife, and he's all alone. Please, let me go in."
You ran inside before she could stop you.
"It's you." Aoi noted looking up from his book.
"No. I'm not just 'you'. I'm Y/N. I'm your wife! I love you!" You yelled.
"I already told you, I can't remember you. Mayumi's my girlfriend. I don't know where she is, but you have to go before she comes." He said.
Should you tell him she was dead? "Try to remember! There's no way you've completely forgotten me!" Aoi grabbed his head, and then; he started seizing. "Help! Oh my god! He's having seizures!" You ran to his side and held him down as his body jolted. Almost instantly, the nurses rushed in, pushing you out of the way.
It was a sleepless night that day.
In the early hours of the morning, you were awakened by a large hand shaking your shoulder. Had you fallen asleep in the waiting room? Apparently.
"Hello, I'm Mr. Shepherd. I'm the neurologist. Aoi does have a case of amnesia, but we still don't know if it'll be permanent."
He stuck out a hand for you to shake.
"What about the seizures? Is he okay?" His bright expression fell.
"Yes well, the cause of the amnesia was a brain hemorrhage in the part of the brain that stores memory. When he forced himself to remember you, the hemorrhage worsened and spread. He's in and out of consciousness, and still in the ICU but he'll be alright."
You looked at the floor.
"If I hadn't come and yelled at him, he wouldn't have had the seizures...he wouldn't have forced himself..."
He patted your back.
"He'd been forcing himself to remember even before you came. He was trying to remember when we told him his wife was coming." You looked up, crying. You'd been crying a lot lately, huh.
"Does he remember me?" You were preparing for the disappointment. For the scowl and words, 'he'll never remember.' But instead, Dr. Shepherd smiled. "He's been asking for you since he woke up." You burst through his room like a madwoman. And there, your Aoi lay in bed, eyes wide open, a small grin on his face. " you know, the nurse told me you wanted a divorce. " He laughed, and pulled his left hand in the air. He pointed at the gold wedding ring on his finger. "You see this? You're stuck with me!" You laughed and walked to him. "You're so stupid. You almost gave me a heart attack when you asked me what my name was." You smiled softly and sat beside him on the bed. You stopped laughing and looked at him. "I'm sorry." He grabbed your hand and pulled it closer to himself. Your smile fell, and you felt your cheeks moisten with tears. " I know." You choked out. "I love you." He wiped at your tears. " I love you too. You're not allowed forget that again." You said, laying your head on his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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