Karma's a Bitch

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"You see that girl over there?" Uruha pointed towards you, as you danced.
Aoi's head turned, his eyes finding you instantly.
"I'm gonna get her number." Uruha boasted.
Ruki stumbled in towards them, laughing hysterically.
"Uruha, you're funny as hell. You don't even stand a chance around a girl like her." He snorted, taking another sip of his drink.
Uruha pursed his lips together.
"A girl like her? What do you mean a girl like her?" Uruha mumbled grudgingly.
Ruki waved his hands in front of him in explanation.
"Listen here, girls like her are out of your league. Girls like her are constantly being hawked at, and-" Aoi ignored them, and walked towards the dance floor.
"What the fuck man?" Uruha whined.
You moved effortlessly to the music. Your eyes were shut tightly, focusing on the beat. You were trying to lose yourself in the sound, desperately. Your friend had gone off with some guy to "have fun" and you were left alone to party by yourself. Some friend she was.
Your thoughts were stopped as you felt a pair of rough hands come up behind.
Turning around quickly, you could faintly make out the man's face. And from what you could see, he was pretty handsome.
You turned back around and kept dancing.
By the third song, the man still hadn't left. He would grip your hips tightly and push you down on him, before crashing his body against yours. His strong hands groping the curves of your body almost gently. Your own hands trailed his body, feeling the muscles flexing underneath the thin fabrics.
Your bodies swayed against each other as you stopped dancing. You pulled away from the man's arms and turned around to face him again. "I-I don't usually do that." You managed to stutter as you tried to regain your breath.  His chest heaved alongside your own. "Neither do I, but I had to make an exception. Um-maybe I can give you my number?" You blushed and looked at your feet.
"I'm Aoi." He said holding a hand out.
You shook it and walked closer to him.
That name was all but-too familiar to you.
"What high school did you go to?" You asked slowly.
Please don't say-
"South Performing Arts Academy." He replied.
Goddamn it! You grimaced at the name.
"Well, it was nice to meet you again after so many years." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms.
"Wait, what?" Aoi's eyes widened in curiosity.
Uruha walked over to you and stuck out a business card. Aoi sighed, and face- palmed.
"Call me anytime sweetheart, I'm even free tonight." Uruha blew you a kiss. You smiled awkwardly.
"Uruha, what're you doing?"Aoi asked shaking his head.
"Thanks, but I'm actually about to leave." You said pushing past them. Aoi grabbed onto you wrist.
"You do look familiar. Do I know you?"
You frowned at him. He didn't even remember you.
"Senior year. I gave you chocolates on Valentine's Day, and you turned me down because I 'creeped you out'." You replied grudgingly.
His brows furrowed, trying to recall.
"You don't even remember breaking my heart, you asshole." You laughed.
"Y/N. I was the short kid that always stayed after to help the teacher."  You added.
His eyes lit in amazement.
"Y/N?! But you're so different know!" He gawked.
"Yeah, well I grew up!" You shouted pulling away from him.
"We were both young back then, are you still mad at me?" He asked.
"I'm not mad. I just don't want to talk to you." You walked away.
And he should've walked away too. He should've turned around, and gone back to partying with the guys. But he didn't. He couldn't. Not after he'd taken an interest in you. Because you see; karma's a bitch that way. That one girl he rejected so many years ago, was the same girl he'd regret meeting later in life. Because he'd end up chasing after her. You, you were different. And he liked different.

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