Bonus Chapter 3: Jake's POV

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The next morning, I drove through the country, following the directions my aunt had written down.

Apparently, the Monroe family's farm was over three generations old and as recognized as any small town tourist attraction. "It's a beautiful clapboard house with several barns scattered nearby. You can't miss it," she'd said this morning after breakfast. But as far as I could tell, that described nearly every property I'd passed.

Foothills of the Appalachians rolled gently alongside me, amber waves of grain as far as the eye could see. If nothing else, Lakeside was beautiful, even if it was in the middle of friggin' nowhere.

Finally, the farmhouse came into view. Alright, so maybe it was more impressive than most. A stately white, two-story structure with an enormous wraparound porch stretched out before me, complete with the picturesque hanging swing in the front. Two slight figures sat on the steps side by side as I pulled into the winding drive, their eyes fastened to me and my ancient blue truck. One female, who I imagined to be Maggie Monroe, looked vaguely familiar. I'd met her several times when I'd come to Georgia as a child. I don't think she'd aged a bit since the last time I'd seen her. But the much younger girl sitting next to her I'd never seen before in my life. I know, because I wouldn't forget a face like that, no matter her age.

My truck slowed to a crawl. "Mornin', ladies," I called out the unrolled window. "Am I going the right way?"

Mrs. Monroe smiled and stood up, smoothing out the front of her summer dress. "You sure are. Is that you, Jake Grady?"

I tipped the brim of my hat. "Yes, ma'am, it is."

"Well, I'll be." Her smile grew wider, lighting up her eyes. She had one of the friendliest faces I think I'd ever seen. I knew right then, I was going to like her. "You might not remember me, but I'm Maggie Monroe. Henry's expecting you. Why don't pull around back and park near the big red barn. He should be out there somewhere."

I nodded and gave her a smile, letting my eyes slide to the petite female still sitting on the step. She was a tiny thing, wearing a flowy blue sundress, her long, sun-kissed brown hair pulled high into a ponytail. Fourteen, maybe fifteen-years-old? I looked a little closer.

Oh, hell no.

The gentle curve of cleavage peeked out from a delicate neckline and the long tanned legs folded off to one side told me she was much older than I'd first thought. The girl stared at me, her back rigid and hands folded tight in her lap. Whoever she was, I'd obviously taken her by surprise. Our eyes locked and I could see her suck in a breath, causing her chest to rise.

Alright. Definitely not fifteen.

My lips twitched slightly as I nodded in her direction. But instead of nodding back, she broke our connection, her eyes dropping to her lap. I blinked. Once. Twice. Hard. Did she seriously just dismiss me? That wasn't the kind of reception I was used to getting. Especially from a female.

Maggie watched me watching the girl. Her gaze fell to her younger companion, the smile on her face somehow spreading wider. Then she turned back to me with a knowing look in her eyes. "Lunch is at noon, ya hear? Make sure you're good and hungry."

It took a great deal of effort on my part to turn away from the brunette, but finally I managed. "Yes, ma'am." I tipped my hat again as my truck began to shift down the path. From the rear view mirror, I glanced at the figure on the step. She watched me depart, a bewildered expression taking over her face.

Whoever she was — a granddaughter, maybe? — I sure hoped to run into her again. Something about her intrigued me. And believe it or not, that didn't happen often.

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