Chapter 26

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Ch. 26

"Addy, Jake's on the phone," Mags said, poking her head into my room. Both of my parents were at work so Mags volunteered to stay with me during the day.

I looked up at her from my spot on the bed. The same spot I'd been laying in for what felt like an eternity. I shook my head and returned to the book I was reading. When I didn't hear her leave, I cocked my head back in her direction. She was still standing there.

A sad smile covered her face. "This is the third time he's called today, honey. Don't you think you should talk to him?"

I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, but wasn't able to speak. All I could do was shake my head again as tears filled my eyes.

Mags was at my side immediately, sitting on my bed and taking me in her arms. It felt so comforting to have her there with me. I realized that I had not hugged her like that since the accident, and I collapsed into her warmth. Suddenly, my turmoil spilled over, bringing with it all of the tears I had been suppressing.

"It's okay, Addy," she said softly, stroking my hair. But it didn't feel okay. Nothing felt okay. Everything felt wrong.

"He's worried about you. You know that, right?"

All I could do was nod.

"You're going to have to talk to him sooner or later."

"Later," I cried, my voice muffled against her neck.

She pulled away from me slightly and looked me in the eye, wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks. "You owe him that much, Addison. He cares a great deal about you--and you care about him, too."

I hated it when she called me "Addison". It was her way of saying "and I mean it." And I didn't want to hear that, even though I knew she was right. She gripped my shoulders gently and then trailed downward, her left hand resting on the cast that covered my right arm.

It had been three days since the accident, and three days since I had last seen Jake. I just couldn't bear to look at him, I was so embarrassed. I knew it didn't make any sense. It wasn't my fault that Brett had chased me, or that I had been hit by the SUV. And it certainly wasn't my fault that I had ended up with a broken arm and concussion. But I felt humiliated all the same.

A lot had transpired in the days following the accident. I ended up having surgery to repair a closed arm fracture and spent the night in the hospital so the doctors could keep an eye on my concussion. I had to speak with the police--and received an earful from my parents for not having told them what was going on sooner--and then was forced to face the disappointing news that Brett really hadn't done anything wrong by chasing me. I couldn't prove that he had ill intent. My dad did, however, exchange words with Brett's parents, and I found out from Ruby earlier that morning that Brett had left to stay with his grandparents in Ohio. His mom would be joining him shortly after her divorce was final. I did sigh in relief over that bit of news.

Jake had come to the hospital as soon as he heard what had happened. He stayed all the while I was in surgery and into the night. I barely remember him being there, I was only awake for short periods of time, but the look on his face was seared into my memory. It was a mixture of emotions, ranging from worry and fear to anger and hate. I knew he blamed Brett for what had happened--I blamed him, too. But a lot of good that did me.

I told my mom the following day that if Jake stopped by, I didn't want to see him. I told her to tell him that I was "too tired" or "didn't feel up to it". She tried to protest, but I didn't care what she said—I just didn't want him there. The thought of facing him was too humiliating.

So, the only piece of unfinished business that remained now was Jake. Yet I still couldn't bring myself to deal with it.

"I know what you're doing," Mags said, bringing her hand to my cheek. Very gently, she tucked my hair behind my ear.

I wiped at the tears rolling down my face "What do you mean?"

"You're pushing him away," she said quietly. "You've always been so independent and you hate to let people see how you feel. But you don't have to be afraid to let yourself love him."

"But he's going back to Texas soon," I whimpered, my tears falling faster.

"That doesn't mean time and distance can't make the heart grow fonder."

"I'm too afraid. I don't want a broken heart."

Mags grasped my hand in hers. "We can't go through life afraid of getting hurt. Letting ourselves fall in love means taking a risk. You'll never know what can become of this unless you try. In the long run, getting your heart broken would be so much better than never knowing what could be. Just think about that before you do anything rash."

I nodded my head and tried to smile.

"I'd better let him know you won't be coming to the phone," Mags said, getting up from the bed. "Are you sure you don't want to speak with him?"

I shook my head. "Not right now," I answered. "But please tell him I'll call him later."

There. I was one step closer to tackling the situation. I had listened to every word Mags had said, but for once in my life I questioned her judgement. I had to talk to him, there was no avoiding that, but what the hell was I going to say? I knew I had made things even more uncomfortable by avoiding him and I hoped he would understand. But it was Jake--and I knew that he would. He was amazing that way.

Mags smiled and gave me a nod then turned to leave, closing the door behind her. I laid back in my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

I never expected to fall in love with Jake, or anyone for that matter. I always figured love was something that would happen to me when I was a little bit older, maybe sometime in college. And even as I was falling, I didn't realize it. Not until Mags had pointed it out. And still, I could hardly believe it. Falling in love with Jake had happened too easily and felt so right--almost like breathing.

We had just spent a perfect summer together, and I had tried so hard not to think about the future and him leaving. But the truth was it had always been there, looming overhead, like a giant, black storm cloud ready to burst. I had fallen in love with the one boy I couldn't be with. And I kind of felt like if I leaned on him now when I actually needed him most, I would only grow to love him more. And I wasn't sure I could take that kind of pain.

Sighing deeply, I wiped at the tears that had started falling again. What was I going to do? I sat up in bed and reached for my cell phone. The only thing I could do was hit the problem head on and stop acting like such a wimp.

I found Jake's number and hit "call".

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