♡ Love? ♡

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A couple days have passed since Jungkook confessed his love for you. You couldn't stop thinking about it. Did you love him too? Did he always maintain your thoughts?

You were just chilling on your couch thinking about Jungkook and how you could potentially spend the rest if your life with him. It didn't sound like a completely horrible thing.

You get snapped out of your thoughts to the sound of your phone going off. But it's not Jungkook. It's Daeho, the guy from the coffee shop.

Hey, its Daeho, I don't know if you remember me but we met at the coffee shop and talked for a little. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me? -D

You read the text and became confused. You wanted to go on the date but then you know Jungkook just confessed his love to you. Is it wrong to go on the date? Its not like you and Jungkook are officially dating... But is it rude? Will Jungkook be sad if you go? Obviously. But, how to turn down Daeho? You cant. Your mind races with all these thoughts. Then, you get a text from Jungkook.

Hey beautiful, I just wanted to let you know I miss you. We need to go out soon. I found this place, I really want to take you. :) -JK

Now what? You think. Well, it's not like going with Daeho will really hurt anything so you decide to go out with them both, but different days and you won't tell Jungkook about Daeho, and you won't tell Daeho about Jungkook. So, you text Daeho back.

Sure, I'd love to go out! Whenever works for me. :) -(y/n)

You hit send and wait for the reply back so you can plan something with Jungkook. But, when you sent the text to Daeho, you immediately felt a bad feeling in your heart. Guilt? Regret? Betrayal? You couldn't figure it out so you shrugged it off and cleared your mind.

Perfect. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:30. I can't wait! ;) -D

You smile to yourself and start thinking about what to wear, you completely forget about Jungkook.

Sex With A Kookie? ✔️ ♡COMPLETED♡ {Jungkook Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now