You turn to look at Jungkook, who is glaring at the door Jimin just stomped out of, and then he looks back at you. He rolls his eyes and you grab the sleeve of his jacket.
"Jungkook, listen to me! Jimin kissed me! I didn't kiss back!"
"I believe you" Jungkook said, flopping onto the couch, grabbing your hand and pulling you down next to him. He put his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. You were so confused, as he was just yelling at you.
"I'm sorry baby" he whispered, nuzzling his head into your neck. You felt so warm and happy. You place your hand on his head. Your eyes slowly close and you drift into a nice sleep next to Jungkook.
You wake up in a bed. Not yours but Jungkooks. This is the first time you slept in Jungkooks bed, it was warm and so comfy. You snuggle up to Jungkook and he puts his arm around you, pulling you even closer.
"I took your clothes off for you, just to get you comfortable" he mumbled nuzzling his face into your hair. You smiled and closed your eyes, feeling Jungkooks warm skin touch yours and fell back alseep.
You woke up again and Jungkook wasn't in bed, next to you. You quickly got up and throw on a pair of Jungkooks sweats and his red hoodie you gave back when you were fighting.
You put your hair up in a messy bun and go to watch T.V. Jin and Namjoon were sitting really close and Namjoons hand was placed on Jins thigh.
"Good morning!" You say, sitting down on the other side of them. Jim smiles and replies.
"Good morning, beautiful" Namjoon smiles.
"Where did Jungkook go?" You ask.
"He went to go get yo-" Jin began saying but Namjoon put his hand over Jins mouth and finished his sentence.
"He went to get something from the grocery store for tonight's dinner" Namjoon smiled nervously.
You stuck your tongue out at Namjoon and turned to watch tv. A few minutes later, Jungkook walked in with a box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, a giant stuffed bear and a card. He walked over to you and handed you it. You read the card and stood up, hugging Jungkook. The card read:
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
It's a dream come true
Being with youI love you gorgeous xx
You smiled and just held onto Jungkook.
"Uh, get a room!" Namjoom yelled at you playfully. Jungkook picked you up and flung you over his shoulder.
"We will!" Jungkook said in a soldier voice.
"Don't come in" Jungkook said winking at Jin and Namjoon. You laughed while Jungkook carried you into his room, everything he had bought for you in his hands.
He put you down and smiled.
"I love you so much (y/n)" he sung as he pushed you the bed. You smiled.
"I love you to Jungkook-ah". He smiled as he walked over to his closet. You sat up a little bit curious as to what he was going to get. He pulled out four movies, two of your favorite and two his favorite. You open your arms and he jumps into them, and you both laugh. Thus, began your day full of movies and cuddling.
Eventually, you and Jungkook got hungry and decided to order pizza and when it arrived, you both devoured it. You snuggled back up with Jungkook when you were done and you both fell asleep.

Sex With A Kookie? ✔️ ♡COMPLETED♡ {Jungkook Fanfiction}
Fanfiction♡ COMPLETED ♡ "Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue It's A Dream Come True Being With You -Jeon Jungkook" When you and Jeon Jungkook first met, you only intended to be friends with benefits, but when you start feeling more towards each other, thing...