Chapter 2- Wow, conceited jerk much?

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Chapter 2- Wow, conceited jerk much?

"Tomorrow, Kourtney and I are meeting in the morning at the library. You can get a ride for tomorrow, right?" Spencer asks in front of my house. I unbuckle my belt and step out, checking to make sure that I have my keys and my phone. My phone begins to blast out the Avengers title song, also my ringtone.

"Hello?" I wave to Spencer as she drives away, and unlock the front door.

"Hi, is Aria Carter there?"

"Yes, this is she." I answer, bewildered. Kicking of my shoes, I grab a piece of the cookies laid out by Sonia.

"Aria, this is Zayn." a deep voice says over the phone.

"Wait how'd you get my number?" I rush over. If he can get my phone number, what else can he get?

"I have my ways." Zayn answers smoothly. "Listen, if you're free, can we have our first meeting today?"

"I have AP French homework to do, but I'm free after that. Say around five o'clock?" I look up at the clock in the kitchen. Three-thirty. I brush my hands, relieving them of the cookie crumbs, and bound upstairs, my phone still in my hand.

"Five sounds good."

"Shall we do it at your house?" I flip through the textbook, then realize I haven't had coffee yet. I go back into the kitchen, and set the coffee machine.

"Actually, could we do it at your house?"

The coffee machine timer shuts of. "Yeah sure." I decide it's best not to mention my parents absence. I pour the coffee into my Mickey Mouse cup. Don't judge, I've had it since the second grade.

"So I'll see you today at five."

"I guess so."

"Okay then, it's a date." He ends the call, while I'm staring into space, dumbfounded.

"Miss Carter, are you alright?" Sonia snaps me out of my daze.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say and walk up to my room, my phone in one hand and my coffee in another. It wasn't a date. I know his type. He and his group of cronies are the type who use a girl and then throw them. Yet even after knowing this, some girls just can't stop liking them. From what I see, Zayn is the ringleader, and the rest follow in his footsteps. Spencer and I want nothing to do with them. Besides, she already has a boyfriend. Dave Thomas. He's a year older than us, a freshman at UPENN. What's not to love about him? Smart, funny, and British. Just like Tom Hiddleston. I think about my infatuation for a while, before starting my homework. I quickly finish, and the realize that I have half an hour of spare time. With this, I plug my laptop in and log into Netflix and Tumblr. Halfway through what I'm watching, I realize that I haven't given Zayn my address. I grab my phone, and send him a text, my thumbs hitting the touch screen as I type each letter, after which I resume my show.

"Hey." I spin around, and shut the laptop lid, nearly knocking my mug of coffee.

"I thought you were coming at five." I gather myself and pick up the mug.

"It is five." Zayn says, pointing to the clock. "Was that the Suite Life of Zack and Cody?"

"So what if it was?" I retort.

Zayn makes himself comfortable by sitting on the bed. I mentally cringe as I see the fluffy down comforter get creases that I work so hard to avoid. "Have you thought of a topic?" From his jacket, Zayn pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

"How about the harmful effects of smoking?" I spit out. I absolutely hate smoking, and the fact that he has the nerve to smoke in my house is preposterous.

"I'm assuming I'm the inspiration for that? Don't worry; I'm the inspiration for a lot of girls." Zayn smirks as he lets out a puff of the revolting stuff.

"Wow, conceited jerk much?" I snarl. "Oh, and please don't smoke inside my house."

Zayn looks taken aback. "Oh, that's right. Good girls don't like it when guys smoke."

"Well excuse me for not wanting my house to reek of tobacco." I rebut. "So our topic is about the harmful effects of drugs. And look, we even have a live sample." I gesture towards Zayn. He rolls his eyes, and then picks up his vibrating phone.

"Oh it's Savannah. You know her?" Who doesn't. She sits at the high end of the cheerleading team. Cliché, I know, but she's gone through all the Varsity football players, faster than Taylor Swift has gone through boyfriends. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it helps explain her character. The fact that she'd date a jerk like Zayn just supports my claim.

"Yeah. She's your girlfriend?" I ask, wanting to confirm my suspicions.

"I don't have girlfriends. Just girls who love to screw around and like to have some fun." Zayn answers with that signature smirk. I wonder how much trouble I'd get in if I just slapped the stupid thing of his face.

"I think I just gagged inside my head," I blurt out.

"Listen, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Zayn walks out to the front door, with me following him. Just because it's polite to walk a guest out, although Zayn hardly qualifies as a guest. "It's time to have some fun with Safari."


"Same thing." He climbs into his car, which I can't see since it's dark outside. I have to work with this asshole of a jerk for the next eight months. Save me, dear lord.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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