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<NarwhalsAndSweets is online>
NarwhalsAndSweets: so today's the outing day at the park
<ImAGuy is online>
ImAGuy: wait, how do we know these people aren't from somewhere else?
NarwhalsAndSweets: my source programmed the chat to only have people around the area and in our age group
ImAGuy:... How even... -_-
NarwhalsAndSweets: well she's a prodigy who is somehow my friend and it's somewhat my fault that she wasted her potential by introducing her to the internet
ImAGuy: and now I have the feeling you will ruin my life
NarwhalsAndSweets: don't worry the only way I can ruin someone's life is by introducing them to the internet! And also I already ruined your clear mind so there's that
ImAGuy: wait which park are we going to anyway
NarwhalsAndSweets: Little Park Im pretty sure
ImAGuy: how did I just realize how lazy our town names stuff
NarwhalsAndSweets: realized it at age 10
ImAGuy: wait how old are you? (Mac's 15, freshman. Im not telling you mines until you tell me yours)
NarwhalsAndSweets: fine, 14, freshman. I'm one of those kids
ImAGuy: 17, junior
NarwhalsAndSweets: so we're three years apart and I'm taking you to a wedding
ImAGuy:I forgot -_-, oh yeah at what time are we going to the park
NarwhalsAndSweets: 12:00pm
NarwhalsAndSweets: you should gotten ready when you got out of bed like I did
{ImAGuy calls NarwhalsAndSweets}
Vinny: so this is how you react when rushed... WAIT SH*T IT TAKES LIKE TEN MINUTES TO GET THERE, SEE YA!
{call ended}
<NarwhalsAndSweets is offline>
<ImAGuy is offline>
(Author: 11:56am at Little Park! FINALLY TIME FOR SOME RP!)
Vinny:*makes it to park while running* *panting and sorta sweating* FOUR MINUTES EARLY!
Calli:*behind Vinny* Hello!
Vinny:*freezes* ummm helloooo who are you exactly(⊙_⊙)
Calli: Oh! I forgot! It's me, littlecoin! Who are you with? o(^▽^)o
Vinny: crap I forgot to call, wait a minute *calls somebody*
Calli: just make sure you're with someone!
Vinny: yeah, yeah, I know! *sweating out of yandere nervousness* Hey Mary, come to Little Park now please.... Ok good, see ya.
Calli: soooo you're bringing a girl with you? (⌒▽⌒)
Vinny: yeah but it's not like that! ∑( ̄□ ̄)
Calli:... Ok! As long as you're not ummm lonely! *walks away in a cute fashion*
Vinny:she has doubts doesn't she? ( ̄ー ̄)
Charlie and Mac:*walks into park*
Mac:*looks around* oh there she is. Hey Vinny!
Vinny:*sees Mac and Charlie* sup *walks up to them* *looks at them* wow you made a big fuss about it and you're dressed in casual
Charlie: I don't have license yet so we had to walk for ten minutes, you were already set but we weren't
Calli:*pops up* so you guys are here as well! Im still waiting for Lincoln
Steve:*comes in randomly*Hey Guys! :D
Mac: crap( ̄ー ̄)
Steve: :(
Calli: soooooo who's with you!?
Steve: well since I found out Lincoln's with you, I bought Jacob!
Jacob: um hi (,,๏ ㅅ ๏,,)
Vinny:(inside the mind:the shy guy who's suppose to put the cute factor, huh... )
Calli: so you're Lincoln's friend? ⊙ω⊙ Oh wait, so nobody's with a special someone??? Well that's sorta sad. ⊙︿⊙
Vinny, Mac, and Charlie:.. Shut up(~_~;)
Lincoln:*walks in*
Calli and Steve: Lincoln! *starts coming up to him*
Calli:*pushes Steve aside*I've been waiting for you!
Everyone except Calli and Steve: (⊙_⊙)
Lincoln: um, hey Calli, it's been a while hasn't it?(゜▼゜*)
Calli: Yeah! Let's go! *takes Lincoln with her to the bridge*(^‿^✿)
Lincoln:(inside the mind:I'm dead)(~_~;)
Vinny: ok so I'll be by the swings if you need me see ya. *runs to swing set*
Mac: I'll come too *walks to swing set*
Charlie: I'm gonna get some ice cream *walks to stand* *theres a line* FACK (」゚ロ゚)」
Steve:*gets up* So Jacob, what do you wanna do?
Jacob: hmm, I guess talk, you?
Steve: Well, I don't see anything else to do. Hmmmmmmm... Wait, I got an idea! *starts dragging Jacob*
Jacob: Uhhhhh what are you doing? (•ิ_•ิ)?
Steve: Well if we're going to just talk, why don't we get a meal?
Jacob: But wouldn't it be rude to ditch everybody?
Steve: There's nothing to worry about! Everyone's hanging out with their own group, if Lincoln weren't with Calli he'd be agreeing with me
Jacob: But the-... Ok fine( ̄ー ̄)
Steve: Do you know any good places nearby?
Jacob: Um, there's a café around here
Steve: Sweet! I wonder if there's any pie
[five minutes later at the café]
Cashier: Hello! Welcome to Café La Sweet! What would you two like to order?(^∇^)
Steve: Hmmmmmm I'll have a strawberry lemonade iced tea and one slice of- aww they don't have pie? Then I'll have... A brownie, please. Jacob?
Jacob: Uh I'll have lemonade and a pure angel cupcake, please.
Cashier: That'll be $12.99 please(^∇^)
Steve: You have enough money to split?
Jacob: Yeah *gets cash from pocket* *puts down $6.50*
Steve: Good *pays $6.50 as well*
Cashier:*puts money in the cash register* What name do I put it on?
Steve: Hmmmmmm Curry( ̄ω ̄)
Cashier:*writes Curry on cups* Thank you and your order will be ready soon. (^∇^)
Steve and Jacob:*walks away* *sits down at a table*
Steve: Wow, she's the perfect cashier for anything, she didn't even laugh when I said Curry!
Jacob: What's with Curry?
Steve: Well, in this chatroom my username is SteveCurry, I make myself look like a goofy idiot to get on people's nerves, and the chat is the reason why we went to the park
Jacob: So that's why that guy seemed so bothered when we came
Steve: You mean Mac? He hates me because of my act, even though he doesn't know it is
Jacob: So you're basically ruining your social life?
Steve: I think it's fun, even if it might backfire someday, at least I have good grades
Jacob: You know that's sorta dumb itself(TεT)
Steve: Everybody's dumb in their own way Jacob, but they should be grateful they're not as what I seem to be
[meanwhile at the swings]
Mac:... So this is what you look like outside of the land of your house
Vinny: The only thing I did was put on a side ponytail and clothes that aren't just a tshirt and short shorts(* ̄з ̄)
Mac: your hair was so messy I could barely see your face( ̄ー ̄)
Vinny: hey, I'm a shut in most of the time so I dress however I want(* ̄з ̄)
Mac: well you knew that somebody was coming and it looked like you didn't have pants on( ̄∠  ̄ )ノ
Vinny: stop acting like your brother and don't make this into a argument
Mac: Half-brother ( ̄へ ̄)
Vinny: oh...
Mac:... Anyway, uh, the wedding's in two days right?
Vinny: Yeah.. And I'm gonna be the wedding singer!( ゚▽゚)/
Mac: You told us already
Vinny: oh yeah, I forgot
Mac: So what stuff are you gonna sing
Vinny: Most of them are just some lame pop songs, but they let me choose a few songs
Mac: What exactly?
Vinny: Love Like You, My Dearest, Hikaru Nara, I would do Its Over Isn't It but that's more of a heartbreak song
Mac: I have no idea what those songs are
Vinny: Anime and Steven Universe
Mac: You're really into that stuff aren't you
Vinny: It's my passion
Mac: I can see that
Vinny: Wait, does Charlie want to go, because I just found how much older he is compared to me, I've been talking to a guy three years older than me, at least we're in the same grade
Mac: I don't think he cares at all
Vinny: What about you?
Mac: I'm not exactly sure, I mean, it is a last minute change
Charlie:*comes ironically at this time* I finally got my ice cream
Mac:Sup, wanna sit
Charlie: Sure *sits down on swing* So what are you guys talking about
Vinny: I was wondering if you actually wanted to go to the wedding
Charlie: Well I don't really like going to ceremony stuff, it's boring to me, do you wanna go, Mac?
Mac: I don't mind, they do have free food and we'd get to know more about a stranger younger than us
Vinny: It's only by a year and three, but I guess I can switch who I'm bringing
Mac: Then it's set, I'll go to the wedding with Vin
Charlie: And I get a day to chill
Vinny: *sees Charlie's ice cream( vanilla)* wait, I forgot to get ice cream and WHERE THE HELL IS MARY? Oh whatever she's usually late *goes to ice cream stand*
Mary: *comes to swings* *sees Charlie and Mac* where's Vinny
Charlie: She went to get ice cream
Mary: Are you both with her
Mac: I guess you can say that
Mary:... So she's turning into a player...(¬_¬)
Mac and Charlie: What?(⊙_⊙)
Vinny:*goes back to her swing with ice cream( chocolate with sprinkles)* *sees Mary* Oh hey Mary
Mary: Hello Vinny
Charlie: Who is she?
Vinny: She's my source
Mary:*is on her phone and looks like she's ten*
Charlie: This is the person who hacked into my personal info?
Vinny: Yup
Charlie: You've gotta be kidding me( ̄ー ̄)
[Now changing to what's happening in the bridge]
Calli: .. Remember the last time we were here
Lincoln: Three years ago, yeah
Calli: I miss those times, when everything was so calm...
Lincoln: Yeah... We changed
Calli: Well, that's what growing up is, it takes things from you all the time
Lincoln:... What happened when you moved?
Calli:... I was sad when we had to move away, but I was sorta accepting of it since I had very little friends. Then when I went to my new school, I met a guy named Andrew. He was one of the popular kids there, sports guy. We really liked each other and eventually, we started dating. It lasted for a whole year until I found out he was cheating on me the whole time, with a bunch of girls. Everyone in the school said I was an idiot and I started getting picked on. Luckily, I moved back here and that's what happened.
Lincoln:..... So that's why!? Just because a guy cheated on you with a bunch of girls!? I know we're childhood friends and whatever but that isn't a good at all reason to stalk me and treat my friends like sh*t!
Calli: Well I feel like sh*t for doing that, ok?
Lincoln: Oh, so it was just an act!? You acted like a psycho to have me!? That's bull!
Calli: How would it feel if Lana ever backstabbed you?
Lincoln:.... You know about Lana?
Calli: Of course I do. You know how I am, I kept refusing to believe it but I guess I have to now...
Lincoln:.... Never mind about this *walks away*
Calli:............ I'm sorry

{Author: I am so sorry if that last part was terrible, this is my first time so I am not experienced at all, let's just hope there won't be any haters by the end of this even though I know there will be -~-}

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