Back to school

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Jayden's POV.
I get on the bus after missing two days of school. Everyone is silent as I walk on. They all just, look at me. It's weird. One kid shouts, "You really showed it to Trevor!" "Why thank you!" I say back. A few girls start giggling as I sit down. They say something about my arms. I blush a little and then put my earbuds in. I turn on some SWS. I have recently been listening to them a lot. I pull out my book, 'The Battle of the labyrinth' and start reading.

Samantha's POV.
I'm proud of Jayden for sticking up to that kid. But I don't like that he beat the living hell out of him. Lola gets on and sits with me. As normal. "Jayden is back!!" She says. Lola thinks Jayden is cute and if she were in his grade, she would 'like totally date him'. But it's uncool to do that nowadays. "Yea. He's not in such big trouble. I mean, he stood up for himself like a big boy. Right?" I say. "Yea. His arms are like, AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Lola yells. "Why does everyone like obsess over his arms? Like he doesn't work out and he's a faggy weirdo!" I say. "But his arms are like, tan and shaved and, AAAAAHHH!!" Lola screams again. "Shut up, Lola." I say to her. She ignores and keeps talking. "Imagine him with his shirt off!!! EEEK!!!!" She says. "Just go to the pool. He freaking SWIMS!" I say. I start to get irritated. I put in my earbuds and turn away.

Jayden's POV.
Lola is weird. She's like obsessed with me. I don't care. I just have 'hawt' arms but I really don't mind. The bus pulls up to school. I walk down the stairs into.........

Authors note.
Sorry I haven't updated In a while. School starts TOMORROW. I gotta get ready. See who welcomes Jayden back to school. Peace ✌🏻️

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