A little more than 16 candles

23 1 0

Patrick stump!

And yes I know it's called a little less than 16 candles and a little more touch me but you'll understand why I changed it

-Scarlett's pov-

It had been three weeks since Brendon and I broke up and me and Kellin were dating now

It was official now, we were always together when we had free time

Today was my birthday and I guess Patrick told Kellin because when I woke up Kellin was in the living room with the boys

We were in North Carolina this week

"Happy birthday!" They all yell at me

I smile

"Thanks... Hey babe what are you doing here?" I ask Kellin as I kiss him

"Patrick told me today was your birthday so I decided to travel with you guys today" Kellin says

"Well I'm happy you did" I say sitting on his lap and leaning back against the side of the bus

"You guys are really chummy" Joe says

"You jealous?" Andy asks with a grin

"Always" Joe says right back with a chuckle

"Easy killer, that's my sister your talking about" Patrick says

I giggle and roll my eyes

"So Scar I think since its your 21st birthday we should go out drinking tonight" Pete says

Pete hadn't talked to since I ran after Brendon and started dating Kellin and I was really happy that he suggested this

A big grin spread across my face

"Of course we should!" I say to Pete

"Finally allowed to drink with the boys" Andy says

"Just because your like 58 it seams like a long time until I was legal" I say giggling

The boys laugh

"Hey I'm only 26, that's only 5 years older than you idiot... And Pete is older than me bet you didn't know that" he says sticking his tongue out

Pete shoots him daggers

No I didn't know Pete was that old, but what's six years in the long run of things he looked my age

But what was he thinking trying to get me to date him without telling me how old he was I thought I knew everything about Pete but this general knowledge of what year he was born

"I'm only a year older than you... They did this to me last year don't worry your party won't be as bad as mine was" Joe says

The guys laugh

"Awe Joe what did they do to you?" I ask

"Let's not talk about it... All I know is I woke up outside naked and I had a party hat.... well on my penis" he says

I burst into a giggle fit

"Kellin your over 21 right?" Pete asks with a smirk

"Yes Pete, I just turned 21" Kellin says

I interlock my fingers with kellin's

"Where almost to the venue so go get dressed Scarlett were going out... It's almost 6 pm" Patrick says

"Don't you dare judge me my sleep schedule is messed up" I say

They all chuckle

I kiss Kellin and get up to go shower

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