Chapter Three - Grey

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Chapter Three - Grey

They called me Grey. Everyone did. Only because of my eyes. Nobody knew what my real name was; I was an orphan that appeared on the abbey doorstep. That was 18 years ago.

18 years later I find myself crouched low over churned up earth. An AK-47 was slung across my chest in addition to the hand grenades strapped at my waist. My trusty Glock was safely stored at my hip. I was breathing heavily. I watched the landscape like a hawk. No movement. I knew that the rest of my unit was scattered around me.

“Oi, Grey!" a voice whispered from the left. I didn't answer. The call came again, louder this time. “Grey!"

“What?" I snapped.

“No need to be Mr Grumpy."

I turned and glared at the pair of blue eyes that I knew was Lieutenant Brodie. His helmet was pulled low over his face but I could see that he was agitated. “What's wrong?" I asked, calmly this time.

“There's something not right. The General should be giving the signal by now."

“What do you think has happened?"

I trusted Brodie; he was my best friend, a man that I regarded as a brother. He was a few years older than I am but he was always there. Eventhough he was a serious pain in the arse his instincts were as sharp as an animal's. If there was something wrong, Brodie should have been able to sense it.

“I don't know but I'm getting antsy. Everyone is getting ansty. Lieutenant Caine over there is getting fidgety. I told her not to break cover but she won't listen. CAINE STAY STILL." This was hissed towards the left of Brodie. There was a scuffle and a short stocky woman was right by his shoulder.

“Caine get back to where you were!"

“No. There's something wrong." Her voice was full of panic.

“Go back to your position!" Brodie was nearly shouting.

“Brodie calm your ass." I told him. Then to Caine, “What did you see?"

“I don't see anything. That's what's wrong. Where's the General's signal? We need to see if he's okay." Her green eyes were nervous. “Grey, we need to find out why he's not giving the signal."

I looked towards Brodie. He was still seething but there was worry in his eyes. “What do you think?" I asked.

“It was the General's direct order not to move or break cover," at this he glared at Caine. She glared back. “And not to move untill he's given the signal. If we move without the signal we'll be disobeying direct orders. You know we'll get shot."

I thought about what he said. “Yes, but what if something's got to him? What if a Bloodlust got there first and he's unable to give the signal?"

“Grey you know he's tougher than that. He's indestructible." Brodie replied. But he still looked doubtful. I turned to Caine. “What do you think?"

“Brodie's right about the General. He's indestructible but the Bloodlusts are getting clever. You all saw what happened in the North, remember? Captain Edgard didn't see that coming and we had to shoot him because he was turning." She shivered at the thought, “Poor Edgard."

“Better shot than a Bloodlust." Brodie spat bitterly. He then turned to me, “Promise me, if I turn you shoot me. Okay?" His eyes bored into mine.

“Promise. And you'll do the same for me?" I asked, anxious for his answer.

“I promise." He continued to stare into my eyes for one more second then he turned away.

A movement at the corner of my eye caught my attention. The other two lieutenants hadn't noticed. I pointed to the area where I had seen the movement: it had come from where the General was stationed.

“Maybe that's the General giving us the signal." Caine said hopefully.

I shushed her. Keeping my eyes trained on the mound of earth I knew was hiding the General, I carefully loaded the AK. I positioned it so that the muzzle faced forwards. I saw Brodie and Caine do the same.

Long minutes passed and nothing moved. My body was tense and my finger tight around the trigger. Then, a pile of loose rock fell from the mound and the muscular body of the General came into view. I sensed Brodie's tense muscles relax and a relieved Caine jumped out and ran towards the General.

“Caine get back!" I shouted. I had seen something that she didn't: a bite mark was just visible above the General's collar with blood pouring out. Brodie had enough time to raise his eyebrows before the grenade came flying out of the General's hand.

He had been aiming at Caine who was running towards him. It exploded under her feet. Parts of her body flew into the air. At that moment, all hell broke loose.

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