Chapter Five - Grey

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Chapter Five - Grey

Bloodlusts threw themselves into our midsts and our numbers scattered.

“Brodie!" I shouted his name in the commotion. “Brodie!"

We had become seperated in the blast. I got to my feet and scanned my surroundings, everywhere was chaos: green clothed people lay scattered on the ground, injured or dead i didn't know, mutated Bloodlust bodies littered the floor and red blood was spattered everywhere.

I saw the General. He had already turned. His head now buldged sideways and his face was stretched to make room for the gaping mouth. The blind eyes stared into space in defferent directions. The General lifted his head and sniffed, he turned sideways and walked towards a prone figure on the ground. The figure's helmet had fallen off and his light blonde hair was visible in the mud that had covered it. “Brodie!" I ran towards him. A force knocked me sideways and I landed with a thud. A Bloodlust had come barreling into me and knocked the automatic from my hands. “Argh!" I screamed. I brought up my knee hitting it squarely in the stomach. It grunted angrily whilst bringing up his hand to close around my neck. It squeezed. “BRODIE! BRODIE!" My screams were hysterical but soon faded as the hand became tighter and tighter. I looked up into its face that looked as if it had been bludgeoned by a metal cricket bat. Its needle filled mouth leered at me enjoying the torment it was creating. I struggled under its weight but it was too heavy to lift. Black spots started to cloud my vision, I knew that all was going to end.

Suddenly, the Bloodlust's body jerked like a puppet and fell limp. I threw it off and I could see the many bullet holes that had punctured its flesh. Looking round to see my savior I saw a middle aged man salute my way and run off. I turned my attention back to Brodie.

In my struggle againts the Bloodlust I didn't realise that the General had dragged him away. I ran to pick up my gun. A plea for help came from my right and I swung round to find a Bloodlust cornering an unarmed comrade. I emptied my shell into its head. It fell to the floor with its head even more mutilated than before.

Where is he? I thought, looking aroud desperately for a blonde haired body. I reloaded my gun whilst still searching for him. WHERE IS HE?! There were too many people around me and the fight had gotten worse. Most of my platoon abandoned the fight knowing it was hopeless: we were greatly outnumbered.

There came a deafening blast and I was showered with clumps of earth as anither grenade was thrown. This time, onto unsuspecting Blodlusts. I followed their lead and unclipped on from my waist. Removing the pin a threw it high into the air. I watched it arc and land in the middle of a crowd of Bloodlust. More mud and deformed body bits rained down.

A scream pierced the air. A scream that I recognize so well. I started to run towards it pulling my trigger on every single Bloodlust I meet. My helmet flew off as I dive for cover at an oncoming grenade. The thrower was a Bloodlust. How did they get grenades? And learn how to throw them? I pushed the worry aside as another scream - this time louder - came from Brodie. “Grey! Help me!"

I ran faster. My boots pounded the ground. I saw them. Brodie was pinned down by the General's knees and the General's face was glued into Brodie's neck. “No!" I screamed and launched myself towards them pulling off the Bloodlust General away. I cocked my gun and pumped lead into his stomach. He slumped backwards with his head lolling.

I knelt beside my best friend. Clasping my hands around the wound at his neck I looked into the sky blue eyes. They were wet with tears. My eyes too watered as I realised that I was too late. “No. No! I won't let it happen! I won't, I won't! No, Brodie, please don't do this!" I sobbed. Tears rolled down my face and splashed onto the cheeks of the friend that I thought of as a brother. “Shoot me." He said. He too was crying. The surface of his skin started to move and bubble. “Shoot me!" He said, more urgently. “Please! We promised!" He grabbed my hand with his. I could feel the bones starting to change; he was turning into a Bloodlust. That's what happens when you're infected. “I'd do the same for you." He looked into my eyes. His blue eyes peirced my grey ones. “Grey, I forgive you." With that his eyes turned milky and his face stretched. Sharp teeth grew out of his now gaping mouth. It brought itself up sensing my presence and the blood that ran in my veins. I stumbled backwards still sobbing. I had made a promise and it was his last wish. My heart tore as I took the pistol out of it's holster. My hand shook so I used my other to hold it steady. Pointing the gun at my best friend's head, I looked into its eyes which were a beautiful blue a second ago. “I'm so so sorry." My voice cracked.

I fired the trigger.

My best friend crumpled.

My heart broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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