Burst of Color

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Disclaimer: This idea wasn't originally mine, this world of grey then color when you meet your soulmate is commonly written so I have no idea who made the idea, but credit to them. Anyway enjoy!


Everyone could only see in black and white, well unless they met their soulmate. When a person would meet their soulmate their world would burst into color, and that experience was often described as beautiful or spectacular.


Joyce's day started out normal. She showered, got dressed (although it probably didn't match), then headed out. It was any other day for her.

"Mornin' Joyce." Grant, the chef of the cosy, little cafe Joyce worked at, greeted.

"Good morning to you too, Grant! How's the kids?" Joyce asked as she hung up her coat and bag.

"Great as always, Joyce!" Grant responded with a warm smile.

"That's good." She replied as she plucked her apron off the hook and tied it around her waist. "I'll change the sign to open, alright?"

"Fine with me!"

Joyce made her way to the cafe's glass door flipping a sign that read 'CLOSED' to 'OPEN'.

It only took five minutes for the first customer of the day to arrive.


Ryan's day began as anything, BUT normal. His alarm clock broke randomly during the night (because Ryan swears that he didn't hit it off the nightstand trying to snooze it.), so he was up late and had to rush out the door. Then once he reached the office he realized he forgot his briefcase filled with important papers for the day, and after that? A intern knocked his coffee onto the floor while grabbing a stack of papers, so no today was not a good day for him.

Ryan's work day ended earlier than normal today, it was a Sunday it only made sense to give the people time with their families. And all he wanted to do on this Sunday afternoon? Head to the bar, let out some stress. And so he did.

"Earlier than normal, Ryan." The bartender, Caleb, greeted.

"Yeah, yeah, my usual please?" Ryan responded as he pulled off his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his stuffy white dress shirt.

"Want it on your tab?" Caleb asked as he placed down a cup of beer in front of Ryan.

"Yeah." Ryan answered before taking a long sip of the pale grey liquid.


Joyce hummed lightly as she done the finally rounds in the cafe, cleaning the tables, cleaning the counter, and lastly putting the chairs up.

Once she finished she untied the apron and hung it back up before pulling her coat and bag down.

"Ring, ring, ring." Her cell phone sounded, but was muffled as it was in the bag.

"Hi! This is Joyce speaking." Joyce cheerfully said as she picked up.

"Hey Joy!" The voice, who was Joyce's closest friend Ellie, greeted.

"What's up, Ellie-Bellie?"

"Want to go to a bar? A found a new one!" Ellie squealed, she was an ultimate foodie, but for drinks.

"Don't think I can say no to that squeal." Joyce replied. "Do I need to get all fancy?"

"Nah, I don't think so."

"Righty-then, will you pick me up?"

"Yeppero! I'm heading there now." Ellie piped before hanging up the phone.

Joyce headed outside and sat down against the Cafe's outer wall as she waited for Ellie to show.


Ryan watched as people began to enter the bar, friends, soulmates, people who dated even though they weren't soulmates, and yes it's obvious who those people are.

Ryan let out a puff of air as Caleb made his way over, "Want another? It'll be on me?" Caleb offered to the man.

"No thanks, you know I only have one or two." Ryan answered as he swirled around his empty cup.

"Yeah, but you said today was stressful." Caleb noted.

"I know."

"Well, want to talk about why it was stressful then?"

"Why not. First off-" Ryan started, but the chime (or bell, well who knew, right?) sounded from the door.

"Oh! Pretty girls, maybe one of them's the one." Caleb teased looking at Ryan.

Ryan rolled his eyes at his friend's childish behavior, "Or your's."

"Yeah, well I'm going to go check'em out, see ya." Caleb responded walking over to the girls who were now sitting a few stools away from Ryan.


Joyce sat quietly listening to Ellie blabber on as she swung her feet back and forth in an excited manner.

"So I heard this place has some excellent wine for being a small bar!" Ellie squealed clapping her hands together.

"Hello." We both turned towards the flirty voice who was looking into my eyes, "Like anyth-" The man, probably the bartender paused once he looked into Ellie's eyes.

Ellie and the man's mouths were both agaped, it looked like they just found their soulmate or something.

"Um." Joyce said quietly waving her hand in between them.

"Oh! I'm Ellie." Ellie greeted the man sticking her palm out for him to shake.

"Caleb, Caleb Snow." The man, Caleb, replied returning the shake.

Ellie and Caleb began to talk on and on. Luckily there were other bartenders to pick up Caleb's slack, but Ellie just seemed to downright forget that Joyce was here.

Joyce let out a sigh and looked around spotting a suited man (well semi-suited, his tie was pulled off.) and walked over, he was alone maybe he was in need of some company.


"Hi." Ryan looked up towards the greeting, it was a girl, so just to see, he met her eyes.

Everything bursted into a flash of colors. The eyes of the girl became a chocolate brown, her short hair? A sweet, caramelly tone. Her face, and most of her skin, was dotted with little, brown freckles. She wore olive green dress with white lace detailing, she was beautiful.


Joyce froze when his eyes met her's. Everything (well almost everything, the guy was wearing black/grey pants with match blazer and a white shirt, so almost everything) became colors, beautiful colors! His eyes were a gold with flecks of green. His messy hair was close to black, but wasn't. It was a dark brown. His cheeks were lightly dotted with tan freckles.

He shook his head before smiling at her, "Ryan and you are?"


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