Chapter 7

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"Hello this is Aimee from the National Drug Rehabilitation Centre Of Munich. Do you happen to know a certain Meredith Langton?"

It's currently 4 in the morning when I woke up to the irritating sound of my phone going off.

"Yes I do know Ms. Langton. Why is she at that centre?" I asked with a sense of urgency in my voice.

"She has taken an overdose of weed and has drank multiple cans of beer. We would appreciate it if you come over."

"Wait how did you get my number?"

"You were the first number on her phone."

"Alright I'm on my way thank you."

I hung up and rushed out of my house, not really noticing that I was still in my pyjamas.

I quickly backed out of my driveway and drove as fast as I could to the centre.

Nervous was the only word to describe me at that moment. I was nervous at the fact that I would see Meredith again.

Nervous as to how she even ended up at the centre. And most of all nervous if she even wanted me there.

I shook all of those negative thoughts out of my head and tried to focus on getting there on one piece.

After an hour of endless thinking and driving, I finally pulled up to the centre's parking lot.

I dashed into the lobby and went right up to the counter.

"Excuse me what room is Meredith Langton in?" I asked breathlessly.

"She is in room 249." The woman behind the counter said with a small smile.

I flashed a smile as my thanks and ran to the room.

As soon as I reached the room, I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I felt ready.

I told myself to man up and just do it, so I pushed open the door to see another man there.

"Excuse me who are you?" I asked with a confused tone.

"I'm Alejandro." He offered a hand.

But I didn't take it. Realisation hit me. This was the man who put me in the hospital and was Meredith's ex-boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you Alejandro. Thanks for being a jackass and putting me in the hospital." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No problem, it was my pleasure." He said with a disturbing smirk on his face, that I wish I could just slap right off his face.

I shot him a death glare,hoping he would back off, which he did.

"So how did you know Meredith was here?" I asked.

"I was the one who found her wasted and high in her living room and I drove her all the way. I've been waiting for furthur news ever since."

Ideally, right now I wished that I was the one who had found Meredith. Think about what Alejandro could have done with Meredith. I practically shuddered at the cold thought.

As the hours ticked by, the obvious tension in the room grew larger, I mean you could practically cut it in half with a chainsaw.

Alejandro was fast alseep in on of the many chairs in the room. I shook my head at the thought of how he could sleep, while Meredith was uncounscious in the bed.

I leaned over Meredith and gave a long sigh.

"Oh Meredith, what am I going to do with you?"

The words flew from my lips and breathed new air onto her.

Her eyes fluttered open.

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