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I forgot to update yesterday because I honestly can't be bothered with these 'happy birthday' things anymore.

But I've got two for yesterday.

The first is dedicated to AccioBook23 and she knows why. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN MENDESESESES!


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(Don't even ask)

The second is dedicated to shadowspider ... Well, because it's her character. Happy birthday to my favourite girl in TOM! Niamh *tries to remember her last name* *can't remember* *checks book* *cant be bothered checking properly so comes back to chapter*.

I always imagined her as Katherine Macnamara.

I always imagined her as Katherine Macnamara

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Firstly, yes, I do know she's meant to have RED hair, but I always pictured her like this

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Firstly, yes, I do know she's meant to have RED hair, but I always pictured her like this.

Secondly, it literally took me forever to find out this girls name, and I just thought I'd mention that.

Thirdly, I realised that despite asking Ace how it's pronounced (which is Neeve), I continue to pronounce it Knee-Arm (I know I don't need the silent K, but it looks funnier).

And finally, even though I love Jared, my favourite moment in that whole book was probably when Niamh punched Jared in the face. Sorry Jared.


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