The New King Of EmeraldDivison

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POV Sean

I never liked the sound of the church bells.
They reminded me of everyone who wasn't around anymore.
My sister were both married and never came to visit and my brothers never returned from a quest.
I looked out of the window at the army following my father into battle.
"You're staying here again?"
My mother asked.
"I don't think this war is necessary, mother."
She petted my head.
"You can decide about war and peace when you are king."
I turned around.
"Why did father started it? This war?"
"You're grandfather started it.He was good friends with the ruler of TigerEyeCity, but after a quest he started to hate him.
Nobody knows what happened between them."
I nodded.
The day went and my father came home.
"We forced him to retreat, this coward!
Not ready to die."
He sat down at the dinner table devouring his food.
"You weren't on the battlefield,son! You need to fight!"
"He's protecting me. If we have traitors in this castle."my mother said and I smiled.
"I'm not hungry.May I go to my room?"
My parents nodded.
I laid on my bed thinking about Mark.
Is he on the battlefield? Does he have blood on his hands? Suddenly my mother screamed.
"Help! Sean! Help!"
I ran into her room.
My father was lying on the ground, breathing heavily.
The healers couldn't help him.
He died in front of my eyes.
Church bells rang and announced my fathers death.
I stayed up all night and was the only one to ride out on the battlefield.
"My father passed away last night.
My brothers are long gone.
I soon-to-be king of EmeraldDivison want to end this war.
I invite you to my crowning at which I want to make a peace treaty between our two empires.As a symbol of friendship.
I brought two drinking horns and a vine. Will you drink with me Lord Fischbach?"
"Since I won't be king anymore in a few weeks I want my son to drink with you."
Mark jumped off his horse and came closer.
I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I controlled myself enough.
We filled the horns and drank.
This shall be the end of this nonsense.

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