Happy End

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POV Sean

The organ was like a whisper to me because my focus was on the beautiful, lovely, amazing man who got closer to me slowly.
As he finally reached the altar I felt my jaw drop.He looked to good for his own good.
"Lords, Ladys and Citizens! We have come here today to celebrate the holy bound between Sean William McLoughlin, King of the EmeraldDivision, and Mark Edward Fischbach, Prince of the TigerEyeCity.
This bound shall hold forever and never break.You shall make your vows."
Mark took a ring from a pillow.
"I, Mark Edward Fischbach vow to always protect you from any sort of harm and I shall always be honest to you."
I felt tears bubbling in my eyes but Mark wiped them away with his thumb.
"I..Sean William McLoughlin vow to always care for you even if it might be hard and I vow to be yours forever."
I put the ring on his finger.
"Do you, Mark Edward Fischbach, want to take Sean William McLoughlin as your loving husband?"
"Yes, I do."
"And do you, Sean William McLoughlin, want to take Mark Edward Fischbach as your loving husband?"
"Yes, I do."
"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the grom and the Lord
shall bless you and everything you do."
Mark pulled me closer and kissed me.
I heard  the church bells ring and for the first time in forever they didn't make me cry because of who I lost.No.
I cried because of who I had.
I had Mark.

POV Mark

The celebration was big,loud and very stressful for the both of us.
Sean fell asleep on my shoulder very early and I carried him to our bedroom.
I was changing into my night gown as I felt cold hands and soft lips on my skin.
"Mark..I know it's our wedding night and it's a special occasion but.."
I turned around and kissed him.
"It's alright.We can just cuddle.Go lay down.I will be there in a second."
Sean pecked my lips and went back to bed.I decided to not wear my night gown and just go to bed in pants.
Sean had his eyes shut, but opened them as soon as I crawled up to him.
"I love you, Mark." he whispered and kissed me.
The kiss was sweet and gentle.
"I love you too, Sean."
I laid down next to him and pulled him closer so his head was on my chest.
"I can hear your heart beat."
He chuckled.
"It only beats for you."
I pecked his forehead and we slowly fell asleep in each other's arms.

~The End~

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