Meet the group

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( Sara's prof )
I woke on the table up . Marionette was already awake and was making little ... presents ? Then I yawned and she turned to me . She said good morning Sara and smiled . I smiled back and got up .
Marionette:" Follow me I will show you the way to the girls bathroom ."
I nod and I followed her to the bathroom. As we were there she said quick:
"So get ready . I will then come back to show you the other children."
I:" OK thanks."
Then I went into the bathroom .

( Marionette's prof )
I watched Sara going into the bathroom then I floated to the main party room.
" Children please come !!"
I said loudly for everyone to hear. was a day off . All came and looked at me .
" What's the matter mother? "
One of my son's Freddy asked .
I:" there will be a new one  in the group . Her name is Sara. "
" Hurray a new girl !  "
Toy Chica cheers.
I:" Yes a new girl . But please be careful to her , she is a shy person but very nice to . "
I said to them all nod understanding and I went back to the bathroom to pick her up .

( Golden Freddy's prof )
I sat in my dark little cellar room with the small dirty window . I had heard my mom that we should come but , i didnt care like they all didn't care about me . So I sat there with my animatronic and stared holes into the wall .

( Sara's prof)
I waited by the bathroom for Marionette to come back. Then after a minute, I think , she came back .
Marionette:" Here , take my hand and follow me . I will show you the others . "
She said nicely and took my hand . She led me trough a hallway with some doors to a , I think a kind of main room was it . It had a show stage where a cove was with a sign in front of it saying "Out of Order".  in  the room where some long tables and chairs. And then in one end of the room was a big kitchen door where a little side stage was. Then Marionette looked at me and then she looked away an said through the room :
" Children you can come out ! "
After she had said that many children in my age came from every where. I got a little bit scared because we were so many. Then Marionette began to speak again:
" So my children , this is Sara . "
I just let out a quite"Hi"and looked at all them.
Marionette:" Now let us begin with the old animatronics and then the main - and then the toy animatronics . "
All nod or said yes . Then tree animatronics came further . It was one girl and two boys ( Foxy got repaired because all loved him so much .)
" So ummm hi . I'm Old Bonnie , nice to meet you . I am repairing and stuff . The old animatronics are in the Parts- and Sirviceroom. I had my arm Bach but not my face because there was no mask in my model there anymore. And you can call me OB by the way."
I nod .
" Hello . I am Old Freddy but call me just Fred . I'm working here with OB togeher.
Then the girl came :
"Hello there I am Old Chica but call me OC ( Lol I know . But I can't think of an better nickname.) I work in the kitchen . I had my hands back because of that . But they weren't able to fix my beak ."
She smiled and I shyli smiled back. Then four others came further.
Marionette:" Wait . Freddy where is your brother why isn't he coming?"
Freddy:"I don't know sorry."
Marionette :"*sight* OK then. Moving on."
Then a boy with red eyes started speaking:
" Hi . I'm Bonnie and play the guitar in this band . "
He stepped back and the next spoke :
" Hello . My name is Freddy nice to meet you . I am the singer in this band .And I have a twin brother but he is sadly not showing up."
He said polite . Then a small grown girl started talking:
" Hi! I'm Chica . I play the drumms and make the pizza with OC ."
"Ay I'm Foxy . I tell funny pirate storeys with my pretty assistant over there . "
He pointed at a girl with his hook .( Sorry for those who don't ship fangle.)
"And I am in this cove named pirate cove arrr ."
He finished.
Marionette: Good now the toy Animatronics.
Four other stepped forward and four younger children to.
The girl began at that Foxy had pointed before.
"H_hii I'm Mangle and this on my shoulder is my parrot Pipp. Say hi .
"Hello there."
I was stunned that the parrot could speak but they both had some glitches in their voices.
" Ummmm hello "
I managed to say. Mangle smiled at me and I smiled a bit back. Then the next came.(quick info . Toy Bonnie is for me a boy with makeup but I think it looks 'fabulous')
" Hey . I am Toy Bonnie and for quick I am a boy and play in this band the guitar to. My nicknames are Bon Bon or T-Bone ,don't ask, so let's move on."
"Thanks Bon. Hello I am Toy Freddy but you may call me just Toy . I sing here in the band from us , the Toy animatronics. "
He started to look at a girl and gave her an eye sign and she  then started  talking :
" Hi! My name is Toy Chica but call me just TC.Now you're on kids ."
She looked at the four smaller children and they smiled . One of the boys started then:
"Hello. I'm  Balloon Boy but call me for short BB.And this is Balloon Girl JJ .She is pretty shy to . We both are selling Balloons together."
" Ok hi hi i am Carl Cupcake ...
- and I am Cherry the Cupcake.
The girl finished.
Cherry:"and we all welcome you to ...
All:" Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria !"
They greeted me so well and treated me so nice . The feels came up and I started crying. All let out an aww and hugged me .

( Le time skip )

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