The lonely one

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( Sara's prof )
I sat on the show stage and watched the others work or what they did. Then after a wile Mangle came to me :
" Hey Sara . What are you doing ?"
I:" Hi . A-actually nothing."
Mangle:" How about you look around this place ?"
I:" That's a g-good idea."
Mangle :" Then have fun see ya . ... And wait when a bell rings come just back here. I will show you then the way to the place we eat."
I:' O-ok . Thank you Mangle."
We smiled at each other then Mangle went to Foxy in Pirates Cove. I jumped off the stage and started floating trough one hallway. I looked into the rooms but I carefully nocked first . You never know if there was anyone in there.
Here in this place where two security rooms , one Parts- and Sirviceroom, a big kitchen of course and another room I haven't been in jet so i went to the door and knocked .

(Golden Freddy's prof )
I was laying on the ground when I suddenly heard a knock on my door outside. I sat up and was curious who it was. Then the door opend a little bit and ... it was a girl . I thought she was looking around here in this place because she was new. We looked at each other when she broke the silence:
" U- ummmm hello. Sorry i-i ummmm."
She searched for words. But I interrupted her by that:
" It's ok. You couldn't know so no need to apologie."
She looked at me:
" Oh O-ok.But should i go or ---
I interrupted her again:
"You can go but you don't have to."
She seemed curious so she closed the door an sat down beside me.
" M-m-my name i-is Sara by the way."
And she seemed pretty shy.
" Nice name. I am Golden Freddy but just call me Golden."
Sara:" O-ok."and
I:" When I may ask ,how did you get here and how did you die?"
Sara told me her story but then tears build up in her eyes. I didn't knew what to do so I told her my story:
" Well I died like this : My brother and I where told we should stay by the stage and watch the show . Then a man with cake came up to us with other children ( Foxy, Bonnie and Chica ) and said we should follow him. We where so dump and did. He led us to a room that no one knows exist. He locked the door and let the cake fall to the ground. Cirtendly he had a knife in his hand and killed us all. We all went into the animatronic suits. For me there was just the forgotten Golden Freddy suit there. After some time we met the Old's and then my mother came and became Marionette.
So this is my story."
Sara:" Maybe I'm wrong but you seem to be p-pretty lonely. But you'r Mom and brother are here. It just misses your father and you would be complete !"
I:" My father? He can stay where the pepper grows. And you forgot my cousin ,Toy Freddy. But you couldn't know."
Sara:" Oh. ... Seems like you hadn't the best dad either. What happened that you don't like your father anymore?"
I:"Well. I tell you but keep it ok?"
Sara:" I promise don't worry."
Something inside me told me I could tell her everything and she would ceep everything. She... she was so nice to me . And I was such an boring and lonely peson. But I started telling her:

( So what's going on with their fathers you will find out in the next capitel 😉)

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