At Midnight when we come to live

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( Mina's prof )
I woke at 2 am up because I heard weird noises like screaming and that the animatronics were activated.
I slowly got up and went out of Kids cove. I saw Toy Chica so I went to her. When I had reached her i noticed that she looked different. Her beak was missing and her eyes were like Golden's and Marionette's. I asked her what was going on and what's wrong. But she just loked at me then Pointed to the hallway where the security Office was. Then she looked there and Whispered creepydli:
" Kill, kill ... mußt kill him... let him pay."
With that she disappeared in the hallway and some seconds later i heared a little Scream of shock. I was cirius so I looked what was going on. When I had reached the office i saw a security Guard. On his name Tag was standing Jeremy Schmidt. But then I remember er when I got killed. It was a man with such an uniform. And then were these blank eyes, that pale smile. Somehow i remembered him just as a purple Silhouette with those eyes and smile. When I looked back to ghe securety guy a Flash came infront my eyes and he looked like my Killer. I was now verry confused but then I heared a squik again, what brought me out of my thought of ... of ...Killing Him?!
I just Floated quickli back to my cove and layed down. I just tried to sleep. After a while I Fell asleep again and the 6 am Bell woke me up as always. Jeremy walked home and the others securety Guards came. They went to the one Office room to have a coffee. In this time I got Readdy for the day and had breakfast with them.
Then TC turned to me and said:
" Good morning. I ... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for creeping you out this night but this is the weird thing that night Freddy told you about. It always happens when the securety Guards are here for their night shift. But they remind us of our killer so ... yeah."
I:" It's ok TC. I understand."
Toy Chica:" Oh thank God Im happy that you're ok with it."
I:" yes no Problem."
Then we Finisher our Pizza... but I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned to Toy but he was eating Pizza but he was red. Why was he read? I don't know but ok.

The day passed by pretty usual.

( Toy Freddy's prof )
The Kids were gone and all Chicas were making Pizza, BB, JJ, Carl and Cherry were playing, Freddy took a nap, Foxy and Mangle were at the cove and pipp probably was in the kitchen and talking nonesense, Bonnie and OB Were on the guitar, Marionette in the price corner, Golde... I don't know, Mina was cleaning Kids cove a bit and T-Bone was Walking up to me.
Toy Bonnie:" Hey Boss how'se goin?"
I:" Pretty fine. You?"
Toy Bonnie:" To. And anything to tell?"
I:" Well.. today I couldn't get my eyes of Mina while she was playing with the kids. And I felt so awkward doing that but I couldn't stop! Gha!"
Toy Bonny :" Hahaha. Oh my! Haha!"
I just made a pouty face because he was laughin but then Mina walked to us. Oh God play it cool! I thought.
Mina:" H- hey guys. Ummm have you seen a leather bag here? Because when I went here I took my bag with me and it means a- a lot to me."
I:" No. But when you first came here you where with Marionette so maybe you left if there."
Mina;" Could be. I go look."
Then she went to Marionette and I let out a sight of releasement.
Toy Bonnie:" Heh. Well played."

Then we just talked about random stuff when Mina came back with a bag in her Hand.
Mina:" Toy you were right! Oh thank y- you so much."
She hugged me and my face grew bright red and T- Bone was just chuckling at me. When she let go of me she gave me a big smile what made me more red.
Mina:" Thank you again . So See you two."
Then she left off and hid the bag in Kids cove. At this time the kids came to her and wanted to play and she gladly played with them. She was such a Kind , motherli Person and pretty innocent too. This was what I adored about her to.

( Mina's prof )
I was playing with BB,JJ,Carl and Cherry until Dinner was ready. Then After a while it was ready and we went to eat. Some said to me I did a nice Job with the kids and I thanked them. Then I went to my Kids cove. When I was there Golden stood there.
Golden Freddy: " Good evening Mina. You were verry good with the kids. Like a mother."
I:" Thanks! But i'm really tired. So good night. "
Golden Freddy:" Ok Good night."
I waved him and then went to my cove and Fell asleep there.

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