7. Day 1

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This chapter is dedicated to rosecrystal26 for being the first to add this book to their reading list! Thank you!

Song: One Direction- What makes you beautiful

As I stood there between the cold metal sink biting into my back and Kyle pressing ever so closely to my front, I was suddenly reminded of a phrase- it was the worst of times, it was the best of times. I wanted him to kiss me but at the same time, I didn't want it. A tale of two feelings. As with all things Kyle-related, I was confused.

Kyle Clarkson- Master of the art of Confuddlement.

"I want to kiss you so badly," he whispered, trailing his lips lightly down my neck, "But only if you want me to." A low moan escaped from my lips and I closed my eyes. At this point if he asked me to donate both of my kidneys I would do it without hesitation. And probably throw in a pair of lungs for good measure.

Thankfully, his phone rang and he made a frustrated sound before he pulled away from me and answered it. I took huge gulps of air, relieved while he spoke on the phone. I made my way out of the kitchen to give him privacy and stood outside on the porch. He joined me there a couple of minutes later.

"I have to go but it's a yes on the house," he said after staring at me for a couple of minutes. Oh so we weren't talking about our moment in the kitchen then. Okay, I'll bite.

"Great. I'll give you the papers when we get back to the office and you can look over them and send them back once you've signed," I said.

"How about you give them to me when we have dinner tonight?"

"I wasn't aware we had dinner plans," I said cocking an eyebrow.

"You did say you're- and I quote - all mine," he said smiling mischievously.

"I meant for the day," I defended.

"Well the day hasn't ended. Have lunch with me then."

"I have plans," I lied.

He frowned. "With who?"


"Your best friend?" he guessed and I nodded.

"Can I come?"

"No!" I practically yelled.


"Because...because you're incapable of decent conversation," I spluttered.

"I promise I'll only talk about how beautiful you are," he said grinning.


"Or I'll talk about how your heart raced when I touched you." He stroked my cheek lightly with his thumb when he said this.

I gulped and shifted away from him. "No." It was weaker than my previous protests.

"Or how you drove me crazy with that sexy moan you made when my lips were on your neck," he said in a sultry voice, moving towards me.

Oh boy.

"Kyle!" I yelled frustrated and he actually stopped. "Just...No."

"Okay, Beautiful," he said, "Let me take you back to the office." I locked up the house and followed him to the car. He opened my door for me as always and then we were on our way.

"So that's what it takes to finally get you to say my name," he remarked as he drove, "I'm kind of disappointed. I was hoping the first time you said it would be when you're screaming it in ecstasy."

My jaw dropped and my face turned fifty shades of ketchup.

"I'm just messing with you, Beautiful. You should see your face right now," he said laughing.

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