Chapter 1 I'm In Love With Him

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Chapter 1

∞ Mia ∞

It was just your typical first day back at school, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I realized that I was in love Daniel Belanger.


“OH MY GOD! Madi, could you be any louder?” I hissed. Apparently this was a big deal. It’s not like this was the first time I’ve been in love... Actually, it was.

“How did it happen? What did you do? Did he kiss you?” she gasped for air and her eyes got bigger “He kissed you, didn’t he?” I couldn’t help but feel the heat that rose to my face. “OMG, Mia! How’d this happen? Tell me EVERYTHING.” So I did, I told her how we met, the dates he took me on, the laughs we shared, and the kisses he gave me. By the time I was a quarter of the way through my story the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. Just telling Madi everything and remembering every single detail of that perfect summer made me want time to rewind and just take me back.

I walked through the halls mindlessly, thinking of that perfect day at the beach, until I felt something around my arm. Next thing I knew I was in a janitors closet, up against a wall. I couldn’t see the face but those eyes; I recognized those eyes, those big, beautiful blue eyes, the ones that were staring back at me with such intensity.

“Mia, talk to me! You know that I’m sorry. You have to let me explain.” Daniel’s tone was pleading. It hurt to not kiss him right then and there. It took every single part of me to not make him smile again, to not be the reason why he doesn’t smile anymore. I wished that I could just take a keyboard and delete everything. That I could go back into his arms and kiss him with all my might. But this was something different and I don’t know if I could ever forgive him.

“I can’t right now, Daniel. So if you don’t mind, I have a science class to get to. Anyways, what she said wasn’t anything but true, and won’t ever change. She suffered and you left her. I trusted you and you broke that trust.”  He was sad and it hurt me to see him like that. “All I’m saying is that I need time to think things through.” He nodded in agreement and at that point I knew that I had to walk away. With each step I took, the burning sensation in my eyes grew stronger and stronger, and next thing I knew I was running for the safest place I knew… I ran to the lake.


Everything that happened all started the day that my family decided to send me down to my Aunt and Uncle’s house for the summer. They lived on a small farm in South Carolina with their daughter, Daisy, and their son, Jayden. I opened the trunk of my white 2013 Nissan Altima; the sound of the locked doors must have triggered the attack of the 5 and 6 year old children.

“MIAAA!!!” their shrieks from the front porch rang throughout the neighborhood. I saw Daisy and Jayden running towards me. Jayden jumped on me for a hug, but made me lose my balance and fall flat on my butt. Daisy jumped on me too, which threw me flat against the ground, I didn’t care though I just laughed.

“JAYDEN! DAISY! Y’all get off of her. She just got here and she probably already wants to go home!” Aunt Tara yelled. I got up and dusted myself off. Aunt Tara made her way over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever.

“It’s alright, Aunt Tara. I don’t mind, I mean I have to get used to the little boogers if I’m gonna stay here for the summer.” I laughed and all I got were huge smiles from Jayden and Daisy.

“Uncle Roy is at the shop, but he wanted me to tell ya that he is excited for you to be staying with us and that he looks forward to seeing you when he gets home.”

“Aww, that’s sweet!” I felt so welcome and at home already. I finally got a good look at the house. It was a very pale yellow, with medium brown stairs leading up to the porch. Bushes and flowers surrounded the house, and a tree in the front that I remember climbing all the time as a child when I came down for Easter.  From the front, you could see the slide and the swing set in their backyard and the Elmo sprinkler they had set up for later. “I think I’m just gonna go down and say hi. I might ask him if he needs another worker to help him out around the shop.”

“Oh! That would be great! You can finally meet the young boy that’s been helping him out. He’s been looking forward to seeing ya. You know that you’re his favorite niece, right?” she said with a bright smile.

“I’m his only niece, Aunt Tara” I giggled. “Oh, before I go do you still have my bike from last year?”

“Of course, darlin’. It’s in the same place as always!”

“Thanks Aunt Tara! I’ll should be home in time for dinner!” I yelled as I made my way over to the big, red barn. I could hear the chickens and roosters clucking away, and I heard Maybelle, the cow, moo. I missed that ol’ gal. I said hi to all the animals and then started to look for my bike. I finally found it by all the potting soil and gardening tools. I took it out, closed the barn doors, and made my way towards the shop following the dirt path all the way down.

A/N: Hey guys! So I hope you like this story so far. It's my first story that I feel confident will be successful and I'm determined to finish this, unlike the other one that I deleted. :(

I'm hoping to make you guys proud and enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoy writing it! :D I hope you guys stick with me, trust me I kinda have an idea of what I want to happen and so far it looks like it'll be a good story. Also big thanks to tayyaba1404 for the awesome cover!

Also, at the side is how I picture their farm house. I liked how it looked. I think it kinda reminded me of Miley farm house in her movie. (if anyone knows what I'm talking about)

Anyways, thanks so much for reading! Enjoy

Question: Who do you picture as Mia? I need someone so i can visualize what she's like. Preferably a brunette. But write in the comments who you think and i'll consider it and youll get a dedication in the next chapter!

You guys know what to do:




and all that good stuff!

Love y'all

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