Chapter One (Rewrite)

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It was a rough day when Bill took Great Uncle Ford from us. He was just starting to respect me too. And sometimes I can't help be feel as if it was all my fault. My shoulders slumped down as I walked through the dense forest. It was more melancholy now than it had been a month ago. I looked around at all the things that reminded me of Mabel, one of the only people who legitimately cared for me. She was taken from me too. Who knows where she is. At this point I wouldn't doubt that Bill's taken her too. Bill destroyed my family countless times- but this time he'd taken it too far. He took my sister from me, and I won't stand for that. This apocalypse could go on for years, but I'd never give up on trying to find my sister. I knew that much. I didn't bother trying to go back to the Mystery Shack. It was too painful due to all of the memories I once had there. I had to leave. I had to get a new start. I have to prove I'm worth more than just a puny pre-teen with not a single muscle. I ran a hand through the tangled mess on my head after taking off my hat. Who needs this thing anyway? I asked myself before tossing the hat to the side. I continued to walk until I found myself a nice cool stream with a cave across the way. Inside the cave was a small light source, but it was pointless trying to get to it. I couldn't see five steps in front of me. Who knows what horror would attack me if I tried to go deeper. Unfortunately, this cave really was my one shot. I shrugged before pressing my hand against the wall and slowly walked towards the light. I heard a soft jazzy melody start to play and become louder as I got to the light. I peaked around the corner to see a tall blonde man sitting at a piano and playing it gracefully. The man hummed the melody to himself as I stepped more into the light, kicking a tiny pebble in the process. The man immediately stopped playing and the light went out. Fear rose in me as I heard small foot steps walk around the room. I was frozen in place until someone grabbed my chin, almost as if they were looking my face over while keeping it still.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked in a snappy voice. It had a higher pitch to it than I would've expected but I was still scared out of my skin.

"My-My name is Dipper Pines." I said as his gloved hand released my chin. He walked away from me before the light came on again and I could see him sitting at the piano. He started to play the melody again.

"The name's Willam in case you were wondering." He said as his elegant hands moved on the piano beautifully. "What's a little thing like you doing out here?" He asked as he played a wrong key. He muttered something to himself under his breath. I cleared my throat.

"Well- I ran away from home and the forest is slightly safer than the town." I said honestly. He let out a low chuckle before standing. He turned to face me and I could see that he only had one eye, the other was covered by a black eye patch.

"Well, Dipper, you're not exactly wrong." He nodded. "The forest is the safest place to be." He smiled. He had sharp, white k-9s and his teeth were all beautifully straight. I cleared my throat.

"I thought I'd stay in the forest for a while. Build myself a shelter and what not. It started to get late so I decided to take shelter in this cave." I explained to him. Willam nodded.

"Makes sense to me." He smiled. "Come. You'll stay with me for the night." He said before walking further into the cave, lights turning on as he walked. I gulped before picking my feet up and following the man quickly.

"Thank you for your hospitality, William. I appreciate it." I said as I walked behind him. Willam nodded, not really saying anything in return. I looked around as we walked. The walls had dozens of beautiful crystals that shined brightly when the light hit them just right. I had no idea why I was following this man before me, but I was, and I wasn't putting up any fight.

((Guess who's back back back- back again- gain- gain. Hey guys! It's been a long ass time but I'm alive and I wanted to rewrite this book for all of you folks to enjoy!))

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