Chapter Eight

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I'M NOT DEAD!!!! Yay... Sorry I haven't been updating some shiz has been going on and I've been stressed with Region Choir, Advanced Choir, and Honor Band it's been a stressful time for me... Anyway hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


I don't believe Ford one little bit. Dipper would never do that, he hates Bill. I need to find him


I woke up to Bill being nowhere in my room. I sighed and got up, seeing fresh clothing I walked up to it. The clothing had a note which seemed to be from Bill.

Good morning my Pinetree, I hope you slept well sorry I couldn't be there when you woke. When you get dressed come find me in the Throne room. See you soon my Pinetree ~Bill

I smiled a bit and got the clothes on, which fit perfectly. I left my room and walked in the direction of the throne room. When I got to the throne room, I saw Bill yelling at one of his henchmen.
    "What do you mean she's looking for Pinetree?!" Bill screamed, his body a red color. Someone's looking for me?
   "W-Well sir, w-we just heard her in the f-forest calling for P-Pinetree, that's all we k-know I swear!" The henchmen said in fear.
    "Don't let her find him. If she does, the deal will be broken and I won't be allowed near Pinetree again..."
    "Actually Bill, I believe the deal was that I couldn't speak to them. If she finds me then I just wouldn't talk to her." I said causing all heads to turn towards me.
    "I believe you are correct my Pinetree," Bill smiled going back to his calm golden color. I smiled and walked up to him, "Find her and keep a close eye on her." Bill said in a demanding tone. All the henchmen nodded and ran out of the fearamid.
    "Who's looking for me?" I questioned grabbing Bill's arm lightly.
    "Your sister," Bill replied not looking at me, "And the deal was that you could never see your family. You can talk to her just not look at her. I think she just wants answers..."
    "I see... But what if she wants to take me back?! What if she--"
     "Pinetree," he said looking me in the eyes, "Don't worry yourself with what ifs. Think about the moment in front of you and what you want to do."
    "...If she's looking for answers I want her to know I came willingly..."
    "I can find her if you'd like," Bill said with a small smile and placing his hand on my cheek.
    "I'd like that. But you'd need to temporarily blind me, so I can't see her." I said causing Bill's face to become worrisome.
    "But what if she kidnaps you?! Or you get lost?! Or-"
     "Bill," I said with a calm face, "You are aware you can come with me. Right?"
    "O-Oh well you see, I-I don't want her to get pissed and hurt you and-"
    "Bill. She won't." I said putting my hands on his shoulders, "You just have to trust me."
    "Ok, I can do that." He said with a soft grin, "We leave at noon. Your breakfast is in the dinning room, go eat and get ready. Meet me here at noon."
    "Ok Bill."
    "See you at noon my Pinetree," He said before kissing my cheek and walking off.

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