chapter ten

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"I promised to not return here in a long time. Look how that turned out."

Jordan is sitting in front of her parents grave with her legs crossed. The air around her is misty and the coldness of the ground seeps slowly into her jeans, making goosebumps appear all over her legs.

The flowers on the grave haven't been renewed since the last time Jordan was here. Elena probably forgot. The last few weeks have been hectic and stressful for both the Gilbert sister.

Jordan studies the flowers carefully. It blows her mind that the now wilted petals were once beautiful, and bright, and colourful. Surroundings have changed the flowers and it breaks her heart, because she now realises that flowers are equal to humans in that way.

Humans start pure, full of life and innocence. As time changes, so do we. Flowers wilt because they don't get enough sunlight, water, or because of their environment. Humans wilt because most of us aren't strong enough to stand tall through everything that is thrown onto our path. Some, of course, are lucky enough to live an apple pie life, but the most of us have to fight  everyday. Whether this is physical or mental doesn't matter, because words cut just like knifes do.

Jordan tries to be strong for her family and for her friends, but she isn't a machine. When she falls apart, you can't buy new parts to fix the broken pieces. She needs time and answers, but both are things that she's short on.

"Why didn't you tell us we are adopted? How big is the web of lies you two have weaved? WHO ARE MY PARENTS!"

In her rage, Jordan has moved from her sitting position to standing with her feet firmly planted into the the ground. The grass she previously sat on is squashed, but that is the least of Jordan's worries.

A storm is brewing inside of the pit of her stomach, and Jordan is afraid. Afraid of the destruction it will bring when it is finally unleashed. She feels like this is only the calm before the storm, and when the storm arrives at Mystic Falls, it will tear her apart from the inside out.

Her chest is rising and falling in a rapid tempo, and her fists are clenched tightly. "Goodbye, Mom and Dad."

Jordan turns around 180 degrees, and she marches off the graveyard with big and heavy steps.

A faint light is still glowing inside when Jordan arrives home, and she smiles.

Her smile quickly drops when she can't find her keys in any of her pockets, and she silently curses herself, because she now has to ring the doorbell. Jordan was hoping to sneak inside and into her room without anybody noticing her presence.

She presses the doorbell carefully and with little force. She hopes that the screeching of the doorbell won't rip through the night this way. Obviously, it doesn't work, and Jordan grimaces.

From inside, Jordan can hear a lot of stumbling and objects falling over, and she figures she must've waken Jenna.

Jenna opens the door, but she keeps her eyes fixed on her shoes. Something must be wrong, because Jenna never acts this way. "Are you angry with me?" Jenna asks in a small voice.

"No, of course not, Jenna. Mom and Dad probably told you to keep quiet, and you just held onto that promise. I won't blame you for that. I admit that I was a little bit annoyed that you didn't tell us, but honestly, if someone is to blame, it are Mom and Dad."

A sigh of relief escapes Jenna. She doesn't think she could've handled all the three siblings despising her one way or another.

"I was worried about you, and, if you don't mind, I'd like to set the following rule: when it is a school night, I don't want any of you out past midnight," Jenna says as her motherly instincts kick in.

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