Chapter 1

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If Remus could give one piece of advice to everyone he met, It would have to be the obvious. Well, obvious to everyone who knew her. Never, never piss off Lily Evans. You would never live it down. Remus would tell you to never make fun of how her hair was the same colour as the fire that was currently burning in his living room. He'd certainly tell you never to try and insult her with a pun involving the flower she was named after. That never went down well. But if Remus could make sure you knew one thing, he'd definitely tell you never to borrow Lily's car while she was away in France. He himself had made this mistake, and deeply, deeply regretted it. It was on his way to work that he'd learnt why this was a bad idea. Remus worked in a small museum in the centre of London. The key part of that sentence was - "centre of london". Parking was hard at the best of times, but in the Centre Of London! It was an almost impossible task. Remus would be the first to admit that he was not the most graceful parker, and lampposts were never helpful in his quest to get to work on time.

It was as the gang of motorbikes sped past that he really regretted his decision to take the car instead of the train. In his haste to protect the wing mirror from the pack of death traps that had just brushed against the BMW, he had swerved onto the pavement. At that exact moment, the universe had been kind enough to make a postbox appear right where the car bonnet was headed.

A relatively strong sounding crash later, and Remus was mentally running through all the ways Lily could kill him (and planning his funeral, because once Lily Evans had decided to kill, nothing was going to stop her). Just as he'd decided to ask for Lillies as his flower of choice, a soft buzzing from his coat pocket pulled him back to reality. His alarm read 10:30. He leapt out the vehicle and took a few steps forward to survey the damage. His eyes were squinted, almost like if he couldn't see the damage, then there must not be any - and he could go to work as planned; without an impending funeral. Bracing himself, he opened one eyelid.

It could have been worse, but it was most definitely not good. The left side of the Bonnet was smashed up, the headlight certainly needed replacing.

With a loud exclamation of "Shit." Remus turned and kicked the postbox that was un arguably the offender this morning. He ignored the families steering their children away from him and looked down the street as if some magical wizard could save him from this disaster. With a girlish scream Remus was certainly not proud of, he spun around as someone tapped him on the shoulder. A boy around his own age was standing there, almost laughing at the situation Remus seemed to be in. He was blonde, and clutching a sausage roll Remus rather thought he didn't need. He was about twice the size of Remus in width, and half in height. It was needless to say, he was not Remus' type. He also looked oddly familiar.

"Um., H-hello" Remus stuttered, strangling himself inwardly for his inability to speak properly.

"Hey mate, sorry for laughing, and scaring you," The boy began to speak, he smiled pleasantly and Remus felt a little more at ease. "Isn't this Lily Evans' car?" He shot a questioning look at Remus, who managed to reply with a much more sturdy response.

"Yeah it is, how did you know?"

"My friend, Pr- James Potter, he's practically obsessed with her. He saw her in a club once, i think you were with her. Ever since he takes any opportunity to 'bump' into her. I recognised the number plate." The boy said this in a way that made Remus want to laugh. He outstretched his hand to the boy, smiling warmly. "Im Remus Lupin. I've heard quite a lot about James actually, but she only refers to him as "arrogant toe rag". The blonde gave a wheezy chuckle at this, and said; "Yep, that's James. Im Peter by the way, Peter Pettigrew."

"Nice to meet you." Remus said, and Peter returned the sentiment. Remus let his gaze wander back to the ruined car in front of him.

"Peter?" Remus started,


"I dont suppose you know any mechanics?" Remus inquired, while running a hand through the mop of sandy brown hair atop his head. He turned to look back at Peter, who had both a mischievous smile, and troublemaking sparkle in his eye.

"Funny you should mention that."

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