Chapter 2

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"Is this it?" Remus said to Peter, as he gestured to the buildings on his right. He didn't know quite how he'd ended up outside the mechanics around the corner, car in tow, with Peter. The other boy had explained that, coincidental as may seem, James Potter, the arrogant toe rag, was a mechanic. It had taken them 10 minutes to get to the garages, plus one very heated conversation with Remus' boss, about how this was a literal life or death situation. It was a relatively large place, and they headed for the garage marked "Padfoot and Prongs". 

"what the..?' 

"Don't ask mate. The nicknames were made in year 8, and they've stuck. Both of them are a sucker for tradition." Peter replied in response to Remus query about the bizarre label. 

"You can't be serious" Remus returned;

Peter snorted, "You might want to avoid using that word in there" he replied, nodding towards the garage in front of them. 


Peter just laughed, without answering the question, and then muttered something that sounded like - 'Its not like his head can get any bigger anyway.' Remus was both curious and confused, and had no time to say anything else before Peter had strode forwards and opened the door to the garage, motioning for Remus to come in. 

He followed, careful not to touch anything for fear of getting oil on his new jumper. It was knitted, and it was beige, but Remus liked it, and that was all he gave a toss about really. At his first glance around the workshop he was quite taken aback by the mess it was in. Oil cans were littered all over the floor. Magazine articles were scattered along the floor and the walls and there were many, many beer cans everywhere. A tall boy, with dark hair that stuck up at the back stood to greet them. Remus recognised this boy, who also had glasses, to be the much talked about James Potter. He outstretched his hand, as the boy shook it, smiling at him. He was told to take a seat on one of the chairs, James took the other and Peter sat on the lower part of the wall, which doubled as some sort of bench. 

"The car poor Remus here needs fixing belongs to Lily Evans" Peter uttered nonchalantly, watching for James' reaction, which was immediate. 

"What?! Is she coming here?! Hows my hair?!" James pulled out his phone to check his reflection, while Peter rolled around laughing. Remus felt a smile creep up his face, he hadn't had anyone to talk to since Lily left a week ago, and he had to admit, he'd been rather lonely.

"As fucked up as ever Prongs, and I swear to Merlin, if this is about bloody ginger again, i'm going to stab myself.' 

Another boy strutted into the workshop, turning his back to the group as he removed the leather jacket he was wearing. His back muscles tensed as the jacket slid over his shoulders and Remus felt his breath catch slightly in his throat. As the boy turned he let his gaze wander over this persons face. He had assumed it was 'Padfoot', and felt sure that if he actually tuned into the conversation he was sure he would know for certain. But this boy had shoulder length black hair, that looked remarkably soft to touch. He had cheek bones and a jawline that Remus could cut cheese on. He would have looked intimidating, but his eyes were alive and dancing with that sort of kindness that lets you know someone is a good person. Remus could tell he was slightly taller than this boy, who he had heard James refer to as Padfoot - which confirmed his suspicions. 

He attempted to tune into the conversation going on around him, just to catch the tail end of - 

"And then Remus and Pete brought the car in to be fixed as Lily is away and i get to fix it Padfoot! Cancel all my other bookings! This is for my future wife!" James, or 'Prongs' as he was being referred to by everyone else had just started dancing around the workshop, and for the first time, 'Padfoot' layed his eyes on Remus. 

Remus felt himself start to blush, and also felt remarkably under inspection. He suddenly was very aware of the fact that his legs were too long and he was too skinny and his hair was a mess. Every seemingly insignificant imperfection suddenly seemed so significant under the gaze of what in Remus eyes was a very, very attractive man. Trying to pass off the blushing as over heating, Remus pulled his jumper over his head, re adjusting when he sat back down as part of his shirt had ridden up. To his slight amusement, he saw Padfoot's stare had dropped to where the shirt had moved, and was now hastily moving meaningless items around the workshop to disguise his arousal.

"Pads, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Peter questioned the boy. 

"OH. Oh right yeah, sorry. Im Sirius, Sirius Black"  Sirius outstretched his hand to a very flushed Remus, who took it, while responding with "Remus. Remus Lupin". As the two boys broke their handshake Sirius muttered, "Nice to meet you Remus". In a low voice, sounding the way caramel tastes, just loud enough for Remus to hear. Sirius winked, and turned away smirking - as Remus crossed his legs in his seat, with his cheeks almost as red as the fire extinguisher on the wall. 

Peter was very confused by the whole situation, and muttered something about going to check on James, slinking out the workshop without being heavily acknowledged. Sirius perched himself on the wall in front of Remus, Studying the boy with grey eyes that, despite their colour, were more lively and beautiful than any others Remus could think of, and his own Amber/Brown pair seemed quite dull in comparison. Without realising what he had been doing, Remus was snapped out of his trace with the cocky announcement of the words; "You're staring". 

"Shit, s-Sorry." Was all Remus could summon as a response. His face got even hotter, which he didn't think was possible, and Sirius leant forwards, running his eyes over Remus, lingering slightly on the spot where Remus' shirt had previously ridden up. 

"Don't be. Seen something you like?" Sirius looked into his eyes, a smirk plastered on his already handsome face. Remus ran his hand through his hair, and muttered the words "Shut up." Padfoot laughed, almost like a bark, and Remus let the sound wash over him, privately thinking it was the most beautiful and charming sound he'd ever heard. He sat up; new waves of confidence rushing over him, and before he really knew what he was saying he'd uttered the words; "It's not like you're any better. Your eyes haven't left my torso for the last few minutes." He looked straight at Sirius, who was certainly looking slightly embarrassed, but brushed it off, moving in so he was directly in front of Remus. Remus suddenly felt very conscious of his hands, and didn't quite know where to place them. They were sweating, and he tried to wipe them on on his jeans but was unsuccessful. Sirius leant in close to whisper something, and Remus felt his heart rate increase rapidly. It felt like there was a chained wolf in his chest or something. Sirius' voice dropped and he murmured, "Damn. I like my men fiesty, and gorgeous of course. You seem to fit both categories." He pulled back to check Remus' arousal, and, smirking again, continued: "You are also completely fuckable. But don't worry about that just yet." He finished and then winked again at Remus, who was a blushing, over heated, mess. 

The door to the garage opened, and James stood there, laughing to himself before saying, "wow, Wormtail was right, you two are eye-fucking." 

Sirius sprung back in surprise and just laughed, whereas Remus was determined to reclaim his dignity, said "Is Wormtail Peter?" (he chose to ignore the other statement James had made.) 

James nodded and then said, "He's waiting for you out front, He will take you home, or wherever you need to be. Me or Sirius will call you about the car, it will be done in a few days." 

Remus gave his thanks and started to head towards the door, when Sirius cut him off and handed him a pen and paper. 

"W-Whats your number? I'll call you, about the car i mean." Sirius was struggling to get his words out and there was a very audible snort of laugher from James in the back of the workshop. 

It was now Remus' turn to smirk, and he did so as he wrote his number down for the dark haired boy. He handed it back to Sirius and winked, smiling at how Sirius started to try and hide his blushing cheeks. He turned and left the workshop, completely unsure about how to feel about the events of the day. 

He let out a long breath he didn't realise he'd been holding, and laughed up at the sky. 

"Oh Lily Evans, you are going to hear quite a few stories when you get back."

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