Puns and Cat-Meetings

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- You look up at Chris who smiled at you. At least I didn't fall, I guess... You thought. Chris then dropped you on the ground. "Chris! If you're going to catch me, can you not drop me immediately afterwards!?" You shouted irritably. He ignored you and went back to cleaning. You guys cleaned for a bit more before Chris started poking you. "Chris, stop messing around!" You exclaimed, proud of your horrible pun. The pun was so bad even Chris seemed disappointed in you, in fact it was so bad I had a hard time writing it. That's how bad your pun was. (You're welcome.)

- You and Chris finished cleaning not much later. After that, it was getting dark and you went to go grab Aiden's games. "Here, wait a second..." You said, pulling the games away before he could grab it. "What?" He asked. "Why did you break into your own house to get Aiden's games?" You asked. "Because I didn't want him to see us." He responded simply. That's incredibly dumb, but whatever... I mean, what else is there to expect. You thought handing Chris the games. Man, I really need to get some games. It's stupid that I have a gaming device, but no games to play on it. You thought, slightly muttering it under your breath.

- You said bye to Chris then headed up to your room. You laid down in your bed, contemplating the ceiling for a little, then you finally fell asleep. You woke up expecting Chris to have broken into your house, but he hadn't. That threw you off, you grabbed your phone off of a small dresser thing next to you. You checked a few of your games, then started to text Chris.

Y/N: Hello?

Chris: Y/N! Where are you, you're missing a very important cat-meeting!!!

Y/N: I am?

Chris: YES! Hurry!

- You sighed and got out of bed. You walked over to your closet and picked out an outfit for the day changed, then went to the bathroom. When you finished doing all that stuff, you sprinted out the door, slammed it, then ran down to Chris and Aiden's house. When you made it to their house, you knocked on the door, panting. There really hadn't been a point in running, but you did it. when the door opened, you were "greeted" by Aiden. He really didn't like you.

- "Can I please get in?" You asked him. "No." He responded, then shut the door in your face. Maybe he's in the basement... You thought walking towards the back of his house. You knocked on the basement door because you weren't sure what else to do. Chris opened it a matter of seconds later, he looked upset.

- "You're late." He said loudly. "Uh..." You said, "Am I too late?" Chris started walking down into the basement, "No! Hurry!" You sighed and followed him. You can be such a huge butt sometimes... You thought as you followed Chris down the stairs.

Chapter by Ame

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