•2 History

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I got home, threw my keys in the table  and sat on the couch. I was a bit tired.

I was staring out of the window, when I saw someone I had never seen before. Usually I know, or at least recognise, the people walking by.

It was a boy, a little shorter then me. I couldn't exactly see his face. His hair was brown. He was wearing a red sweater with yellow letters on it, and black jeans.
He was studying the tree in my front yard. He took out his phone out of his pocket and got on his knees.

"What the fuck is he doing?" I whispered to myself.

The boy seemed highly interested by the tree, and I assumed he was taking pictures of it. I don't know why he had to get on his knees for that.

After, like, 2 minutes he stood up and walked away.

"Well, that was weird." I stated to myself.

I got up and made myself hot chocolate. Mom and dad should be home in an hour or so. Tyde, Steele and Sage aren't home. They all went hanging out with friends.

I decided than I could film a video in an hour, so I went upstairs. I had no idea what video I could film, so I decided to do an #AskTroye. The questions weren't realky interesting, and the answers neither, but I could at least show my face again. Show the people I'm not dead.

I heard my parents coming home, quickly got downstairs and helped my mom cooking dinner.

While eating we were talking about me, wich made me highly uncomfortable. Whenever we're talking about me, I get uncomfortable. I'm afraid that my parents will say something like I'm disappointing them, wich is my biggest fear.

Luckily we finished dinner in just 30 minutes. I quickly did the dishes and got upstairs to 'study'.

I did all my homework yesterday.

So I got on Tumblr and scrolled through my feed all night, because who needs human interaction when you have dangerous, overheating inanimate objects to keep you company?

At 2am I decided to go to sleep, because tomorrow was Monday wich meant school. Wich meant classes. Wich meant human interaction. Ugh.

I woke up, extremely tired. The life of an internet kid is extremely exhausting. I'm already tired and I didn't even get out of bed.
I gave myself 5 more minutes and then got up, took a shower, dressed myself and ran downstairs to eat breakfast.
I picked up my bag and walked to school.

"TROOOOYE" I heard a familiar voice screaming.

"TYLEEER" I screamed back.

We hugged. "Gurl I haven't seen you in áges!"
"Ty, we literally saw each other 2 days ago. Calm down."
"Okay true, but I missed you so muuuch"
I hugged him once again.

Tyler and I have been friends since we were 2 years old. He is truly my best friend. He sometimes overdramathises a bit, but that's just Tyler. Oh, and he is gay too, like me.

We walked to class together, where I settled down next to Alessia, one of my other best friends.
We haven't been friends for that long, but we're really close.
We were talking about our weekends when the teacher came in, followes by a boy with brown hair, a bit smaller than me... Wait. I recognised him.

"I know him" I whispered to Alessia
"I don't remember"

"Dear students, this is your new classmate, Connor Franta. He just moved here from Minnesota. Please be nice to him."

"Please go sit there, next to Kevin"

Kevin was one of those people who spit on me and called me names. I felt sorry for Connor, the boy obsessed with my tree.

Alessia and I were observing Connor during class and we decided that he was very very pretty. We were already fighting over who could get him as a boyfriend. But we didn't know whether he was gay or not, so that was a slight problem. 

Just before class was over, our teacher told us she became mad of us changing places all the time, so she wanted us to be in the places we were seated right now for the rest of the year. I was happy I decided to sit next to Alessia this morning. 

When the bell rang I walked up to Connor, who seemed a bit impressed by everything what was happening. He had spent the last hour sitting next to Kevin, so I assumed he was scared for everyone and everything now. That's what I would be, at least. I wanted to invite him to have lunch with my friends, since we were always happy to have new, nice people around us. 

"Hi!" I said to Connor. He looked up from the ground and I just now saw how incredibly beautiful his eyes were. 

"Hi" he said back with a small voice. 

Then I felt a harsh fist in the side of my back, pain chasing through my spine. 

As I expected, Kevin and his friends walked by. "Connor, if you ever talk to that faggot again, you won't have a really nice year, as you're sitting next to me in history class. So it's up to you." He and his friends all gave him a warning look. Connor seemed very, very scared and looked helpless at me. "So, what do you think? Are you coming with us or not?". Connor hesitated, and decided, with a small voice: "I have to go to my locker first, after that I'll join you for lunch." "That's what we wanted to hear. See you, Franta." and Kevin and his friends walked past. 

"I assume you won't join us for lunch?" I asked Connor, a bit disappointed. "I don't know if I can talk to you, I'm sorry" and Connor walked away. I sighted. I really would've loved having Connor as a friend, but destiny seemed against us. 

I saw Ben J walking in the corridor, so I walked to him and complimented him about his eyeshadow. It was dark purple, almost blue, and it looked really really pretty on him. I told him about Connor, and he said he'd be our friend one day, because if you're a normal human being you won't be albe to hang out with Kevin and friends for long. I guess he was right. 

School went on, and after school I just went home, alone. I was a bit tired and frustrated. I don't know why. 

What is it with people these days? 

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