Chapter 11

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Thank you so much for over 300 reads!!! <3 I love you! Ps: I hope Justin feels better!! This chapter is dedicated to him <3

Justin's POV

I slowly woke up to sunlight coming through the window. I was blinded for a couple of seconds but my eyes eventually adjusted. I tried to get up but realized something was stopping me. On top of me was a sleeping Charlotte. She looked so pretty when she was sleeping. We must have fallen asleep on the couch after our tickling war. I love her. I wanted to get up and make breakfast for us, but obviously that wasn't happening because Charlotte decided to fall asleep on top of me. Instead, I decided to watch her sleep. Her hair was messy but perfect at the same time. Some of it was across her face. I slowly pushed the hair back behind her ear. Right as I was pulling my hand away, she started to shift. Oh uh, please don't wake up. Was all I was thinking. I wanted her to sleep without anyone disturbing her. Finally after watching her for hours, her eyelids started to open and blink a couple times, slowly.

"Justin?" she said confused.

"Yeah, babe?" I asked wondering what she was thinking about.

"How did we get here, and why am I on top of you?"

"I don't really know but I'm guessing we fell asleep after our tickling war." I smiled at the thought of it. She giggled then wrapped her arms around my neck. Her touch made me shiver. She pressed he lips against mine. She wasn't kissing me for lust, but passion. I could tell that she loved me. I pulled away and said, "I love you".

"I love you too." she said with a huge smile plastered across her face. She leaned in and kissed me one more time. I started stand up, holding her against me. She jumped up and rapped her legs around my waist. I could feel my skin tingling. She was setting fireworks off inside of me. I don't know how she did it. No one has ever made me feel like this before. No one has set fireworks off inside of me. And no one has ever loved me as much as she loves me and vice versa. All I knew was that I was falling for this girl, and I was falling hard. Every day, she made me find another reason to fall in love with her. She pulled back and smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked. I couldn't help but smile, knowing I was thinking about her.

"I was thinking about us." I said.

"Oh really, what were you thinking about?" She asked with a look of curiosity splashed across her delicate face.

"How, much I love you. And how no one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. Babe, I love you so much." I saw her eyes become watery.

"I love you too." She pulled me in for a tight hug. Then she whispered in my ear, "I never want to leave you. Justin, promise that you'll never leave me?" This brought water to my eyes.

"Hun, I will never leave you. I love you so much. I would have to have a very good reason to leave you, because I love you so much!" I said, as I looked her in the eyes and pledged the truth. We stood there for a while, just staring into each other’s eyes. "Want breakfast?" I finally broke the silence.

"Yeah." She smiled then pecked me on the lips. I took her hand in mine and led her to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" I asked her as I picked her up and set her down on the counter. She was swinging her feet back and forth, like a little kid would do.

"Hmm, I think I want to make some homemade pancakes." She said with excitement. I nodded and started to pull out the Bisquick shake and pour. "No, silly, homemade pancakes that you make from scratch with flour and stuff."

"Oh, right, I knew that! You just like to do it the hard way." I said

"Well, maybe you just like to do it the easy way." I laughed at her comeback as I pulled out the flour from the cabinet.

"Look up a recipe on your phone." I said.

"No need. I know how to make them without a recipe. I memorized my grandmother’s recipe. She makes the best pancakes!"

"Okay, miss sassy pants." I teased.

"Hey!" she said. "I am not sassy!" I saw her grab a handful of flour and throw it at me. Oh no she didn't!

"Well, that wasn't very nice." I pulled her in for a kiss; the flour that was on my face was no covering her face too. As I kissed her I reached my hand in the flour and put a big blob of flour on top of her head. She immediately pulled back and screamed.

"JUSTIN!!!" She yelled. I ran across the room, realizing that she would want payback somehow. She chased after me and soon it was one of the Tom and Jerry things. I was the mouse and she was the Cat chasing me around the house. Trying to escape her, I went out the back door. I ran towards the pool. On my way to the pool I started stripping down, throwing my clothes randomly. Soon, I was butt naked and jumped into the pool, doing a cannon ball. When I arose from the water, I saw a naked Charlotte plunging towards me. I immediately ducked underwater. I felt a thump against my head. It was Charlotte's feet touching my head. I swam to the top of the water and swam away from Charlotte.

"Oh, no you don't!" She said as she swam towards me, soon catching up and jumping on my back. "I'm sowrryy" She said in a baby voice. All I did was laugh and kiss her passionately, knowing she knew I accepted her apology. Needless to say, our pancakes didn't get cooked.

THANK YOU!! You guys are amazing!! I love you! thanks for all the votes and comments. Justin we hope you feel better and we love you! xoxo don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT :) thanks <3

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