Chapter 20

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Justin’s POV

4 months later

“AHHHHHH” I opened my eyes. “FUCKING HELL JUSTIN!!!!!!!” I jumped out of bed as I heard Charlotte’s blood curdling screams. I bolted down the stairs and saw something every man wishes they could have unseen. I saw the girl I am deeply in love with lying at the bottom of the stairs, blood surrounding her.

“Charlotte what the hell happened?” I could feel my heart aching for her as I helped her up. My heart was racing, waiting for her response.

“I don’t know I think my water broke! Justin drive me to the hospital.” I carried Charlotte to the car and raced towards the hospital. I went running in and told the medics what was happening. They immediately came running out and rushed Charlotte to the emergency room, with me running close behind.

I sat pondering in the waiting room of what’s going to happen to my baby. I lightly shook my foot up and down, with anticipation for the medics to update me on what is happening. I put my head in my hands as I slowly started to weep. Is she going to be okay? What is happening? I need to see her! As I was about to stand up and bolt into Charlotte’s room, a doctor came. “Are you Mr. Bieber, Sir?”

“Yes. Can you please tell me what is happening to Charlotte?” I asked my voice cracking at the end.

“She’s going into labor Mr. Bieber.” My heart started racing, and I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. We are having a baby together, right now. I started running towards Charlotte’s room. I need to see her; I can’t go another second without holding her in my arms. I knew she would be uneasy without me there too.

“I need to be with her!” I yelled in agony as the doctor held me back.

“She is in critical condition right now!” I froze.

“What do you mean she is in critical condition?” I asked my voice rising and my anger flourishing. I clenched my fists together getting ready to throw a punch. “Bring me to her, right now!” I could feel my face get red. I started shaking uncontrollably. “I NEED TO SEE HER!” I seethed.

“Sir, she isn’t allowed any visitors at the moment. I will let you know when you can visit her.”

“Okay, Sir. But, let me just tell you. I am not just a visitor! We are having a baby together!! I deserve to fucking see her!” I couldn’t deal with this anymore. I threw a punch at the guy. He fell to the ground instantly, out cold. That’s what you get asshole.

I ran into see Charlotte. She was hooked up to numerous tubes and several IV’s. Shit. This didn’t look good. I’m pretty sure she was unconscious too. But, she could just be sleeping. A nurse walked in.

“Oh, hello Mr. Bieber. It’s a pleasure to meet you. My daughter is a big fan! I’m Nurse Christy.” Hearing about the nurse’s daughter made my heart grow fonder of this Nurse. Maybe, she won’t be a complete asshole, like the doctor.

“Oh, really! I’m glad to hear that. Tell her thank you for all her support and I love her.” I searched the room for a piece of paper. After spotting a notepad with a pen on the side table, I asked, “What’s your daughter’s name?”

“Marissa.” She replied.

Dear Marissa,

I met your Mom at the hospital today and she told me how much you loved me. #1 belieber right? Haha. Well, thank you for all your support and I hope to meet you someday! Here are two tickets to my show. 2nd rowJ. Hope you enjoy. I will be watching for you in the crowd. Love you!


“Here, give this to Marissa, along with these two tickets to my next show.” I handed the shocked Nurse Christy the note and tickets.

“Wow, I can’t thank you enough! My daughter will be so happy.” I gave her a small smile, my thoughts returning to Charlotte.

“Can I ask you about Charlotte?” I asked, nervously rubbing my hand through my hair.

“Of course.”

“Will she be okay? What is wrong with her?”

“She is in critical condition right now.”

“Yes, I know that. Is our baby okay?”

“I’m so sorry Justin. She lost the baby.”


 So sorry I ahvn'y updated in forver :( I will try to update more frequently. Thanks for reading and voting it really means a lot :) love you. comment/vote if you can't wait for Justin's new music!!!

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