Chapter 13

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas (if u celebrate) and a happy new year!! My gift to you is i'm updating! just remeber this is on my phone so there might be some spelling mistakes but I will try my best :) btw just curious who's perspective do you like the best?? comment and let me know :)

Charlotte's P.O.V.

Today Justin and I had to go back to school. It was Monday. I woke up before Justin and took a quick shower. When I got out i realized I forgot a towel and clothes. I peeked out the door to see if Justin was sleeping still. It looked like he was so I tiptoed to my closet grabbed a towel and some clothes. I turned around to make my way back from the bathroom.

"ahhhh" I screamed. Justin was standig right in front of me and scared the shit out of me.

"Hey babe." Justin said laughing.

"Justin you not funny!!" I said then pouted and smacked his face playfully. A smile came on Justin's face.

"I'm gonna get you!!" He shouted as I started running around the room. I was runnig as fast as I could but Justin was faster. He tackled me to the ground and started tickleing me.

"ahh...justinnn....stahhpp" I managed ot get out between breaths and laughter.

"What's the magic word?" he said as he continued to tickle my naked body.

"I love you justyy" I said in a baby voice. He smiled and said.

"That wasn't it but that's okay. I like those words too" He stradled me and gave me a long passionate kiss. When he pulled away my lips were tingleing. Damn, that magical feeling never gets old.

"Justin go take a shower you stink and we have school today." I glanced over at the clock. "Which we are going to be late for!!!" Justin climbed off of me.

"k babe i'm gonna go take a shower how bout you go get your sexy ass dressed."

"I was planning on that" I giggled. After getting dressed I dryed and starightened my hair. I was wearing dark wash Hollister jeans, navy blue Vans, and a navy blue sweater. I had a thin layer of eyeliner on and some mascara. I looked at myself on last time in the mirror before calling to Justin.

"JUSTIN LETS GO YOU'RE GONNA MAKE US LATE HURRY UP!!!!!" wow who knew a boy could take that long to get ready.

"I'm coming baby" He said walking down the stairs while putting his shirt on. Damn, those abs make me melt. Justin grabbed my hand and we walked to his Fisker. Justin opened my door for me then he got in on the other side.

"Justin hurry up we are going to be late. Drive fast!"


We arrived at school...late because of Justin. He just had to stop at Dunkins on the way. Justin and I had English first. I was at my locker getting my binders when I felt hands on my hips. I turned around.

"Just....oh your not Justin. Hey Ry." I felt bad I havn't talked to Ry in a long time and he's probably wondering about Justin and I. Ry gave me a frown. "Ry i'm sorry I'll tell you everything after school or during lunh or maybe study. Ry I miss you!!" I felt my eyes begin to water. No, I can't cry. NOT gonna happen in front of the entire school!

"Char don't cry. I get it your busy making out with Justin all the time" this made me laugh. "I miss you too babe!" I was used to Ry calling me babe. He has always called me that. He is kinda like a big brother to me. I always go to him for help or if I just want to talk. I can trust him. We aren't just best friends but we are also cousins which makes us even closer. I gave Ryan a long hug.

"k Ry i have to go i'm gonna be late for English." I glanced across the hall, where Justin's locker is. he was leaning against his locker looking at us, giving us space, he knew waht was happening. "and Justin is waiting for me." I smiled then pulled away from our hug. "Bye Ry catch ya later"

"Bye Char" we smiled at each other then I walked over to Justin.

"Have a nice talk with Ry guy" justin asked.

"yes I did. we havn't talked to each other in a while cause i'm 'too busy mkaing out with you' so i'm gonna catch up with him after school."

"okay, sounds fun. well we better get going to English." Justin grabbed my hand and led the way to our English class.


hope you like it!!! vote and comment :p i love you!! thanks for all the reads!!! <3<3 merry christmas :) I will updatw soon maybe today again! or tom or the next day idk but ill update soon! :)

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