Chapter 3

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We were coming to an ending to training, which is bittersweet. We kept seeing Rollins more and more on Thursdays and sometimes on Wednesdays. As usual he watched from afar and we didn't speak to him nor did he speak to us, but he did record some of our matches. We were learning to cut promos and we were all shockingly good at it. Danny told me that I would fit the heel role the best because I speak truth and I have the look for it. He told Marissa she could play either a heel or face because of how her personality is. He then told Nisha she could definitely fill the role of a heel because of her cold- crucial heart. We were doing a lot more matches and we were doing much better than our first one. Rollins was there, of course, he had papers with him though. He handed them to Danny and he tucked them away, Rollins made eye-contact with us and we all smiled at him and he did the same in return.

"Run the ropes, you guys know the routine." He said and we started or normal, running the ropes, taking bumps, front and back rolls, lock ups, clotheslines and flips over the ropes.

*4 hours later*

"Madison you really make me want to hate you." Nisha said jokingly. I was in a match with Marissa and I was taunting being the mean heel I was. I got into an argument with Nisha and Marissa rolled me up to take the win... that was until I attacked her, then Nisha came in and made the save.

"Alright, alright, gather around." Danny said standing outside the ring.

"I need you guys to fill these papers out and give them back to me." He continued.

"What is it?" we said in unison.

"Read it, then fill it out." He said handing us the papers and pens.

We read the papers and it was a WWE tryout form. We instantly filled out the papers. We were so happy that we were moving up on the ladder. I knew my dream would become a reality. I regret absolutely nothing I did thus far. We handed him back the papers and we said our goodbyes. Nisha seen Rollins staring at us leave and she waved and smiled at him.


"Guys this could be our big break, we can really make it on NXT, then the main roster and then BOOM! We're history makers." Marissa said.

"Yea but we're not 18 and older." I said.

"Yeah, ok but they could keep us in developmental until we turn 18 then finally put us on the show." Nisha said.

"I'm an entire year older than you guys, I want us to stay together, debut together, travel together, and so much more, we can't do that if I'm already starting my solo career." I said thinking more deeply about it.

"This is our last month of training, we already filled out those tryout papers, it's do or die. We got a big opportunity, let's blow them away with the skills we have and much more." Marissa said grabbing her clothes.

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