Chapter 4

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The weeks flew by and it's our last Thursday here with Danny. We looked like pros wrestling and cutting promos on each other, last week Rollins finally came and talked to us giving us great feedback and also told us when we cut promos make sure we give the right facial expressions and told me when I talk to don't talk fast, stretch some words so all the people can hear. We appreciated the feedback from him. He said that he wanted us to put on a big match this Thursday since it was our last one.

"Ok, so we have to be in Orlando by Saturday to do the tryout which means we can't go hard in this match like we want to." I said thinking logically.

"Well that sucks but its smart thinking." Nisha said stretching.

"Alright, lets run the ropes, tumble and take the bumps." Marissa said getting in the ring. We got in the ring took the bumps, ran the ropes and did the tumbles. We did clotheslines, suplexes, (drop) kicks, jumps, dives, shoulder take downs, and roll ups. Danny knew we had a tryout coming up so he prepared us for what they were going to throw at us. He had us do things we did on our first day here and plus some. We did so many lock ups, arm twists, crossbodies and hurricanranas. It was like walking through hell again but it was worth it. We went over DDTs again, did some reversals and he wanted us to execute every move perfectly. He gave us a 5-minute break, which was definitely needed.

"I pray when we get to these tryouts we do great and make it because I'm not doing this for my health and well-being." Nisha said laying down.

"Yeah these trips, bruises and soreness better be worth it." Marissa said drinking her water.

After our break was over we went back at it again finishing our execution of moves. Rollins came in when I was running in place to shake my legs back into shape. Nisha and Marissa were in the ring throwing moves at each other making sure the other was selling well and doing the move correctly, there was no time for error.

"The pain is killing you isn't it." Rollins said walking up behind me, scaring me might I add.

"Yeah." I said jumping and he laughed.

"Are you going to put on an epic match?" He asked.

"Yeah, last match I'm going to have in this gym so why not go out big." I said and he gave me a high five.

After we all got in the ring with each other one on one it was time for our match. The bell rung and Marissa and I stomped Nisha in the corner than tossed her out the ring. I attacked Marissa from behind and then threw her into the corner kicked her three times before the ref (Danny) told me to back up. I remembered early we said we weren't going to go hard in this match, well, we lied. (I'm just going to tell you how the rest of the match went) Madison did an apron DDT on Marissa, Nisha threw Madison into the turnbuckle, Marissa did a suicide dive on Nisha, Madison did a Phoenix Splash on Nisha, Madison got back in the ring, taunted, Rollins was booing her, Madison turned around and Marissa did a superkick and then hit a dirty deeds. Marissa covered her and Madison kicked out at two. Nisha got in the ring and speared Marissa and went for the cover and Marissa managed to get her foot on the bottom rope. Nisha grabbed Madison and powerbombed her into the corner, then hit a spear. Madison smartly rolled out the ring. Nisha went to get her when Marissa hit a running mid-air shining wizard. She dragged her back into the center of the ring then went to the top rope, Madison got back into the ring and onto the same top rope and did a suplex, Marissa landed on Nisha, Madison went to cover Marissa but she kicked out, she started showing more frustration. Madison went to the top rope again, she jumped off hoping to hit Marissa, Marissa rolled out the way, Madison got up and got hit with a spear by Nisha, Nisha then attempted to hit a spear on Marissa but Marissa countered it with a Dirty Deeds to pick up the win. Rollins was recording a lot of the match, he was cheering, booing etc.,

"You guys killed it!" Rollins said clapping.

"Thanks." I said still laying on the mat. Nisha and Danny helped me up and Rollins helped Marissa up.

"You guys will go far in life, keep up your hard work and dedication and you'll be up there like him." Danny said referring to Rollins.

"Thank you for training us." We said

"No problem, it was a pleasure." Danny said giving us a hug.

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