Chapter 5

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"Can you believe that we are here in Orlando." Nisha said in shock.

"No, this isn't real, at all." I said looking around the performance center. We were the only ones trying out because they already had tryouts 2 months ago. We were going to put everything on the line because we didn't want to waste anyone's time. We were stretching for about 5 minutes and that's when Triple H, Bayley, Alexa, Matt Bloom, Norman Smiley, Sara Amato and Robbie Brookside.

"We are breaking all rules for you guys, consider yourself lucky and prove to us we didn't make a mistake." Hunter said sitting down.

"Fair warning, you're about to go through hell." Matt said climbing into the ring. We got into the ring and the training began. We were kind of still in pain from our last match on Thursday but didn't show it. We ran the ropes, took tons of bumps, front flips, back flips, all the stuff we did before with Danny we did it again with them. We didn't look tired to them which was shocking, but then again we're young so we have more energy than them. We all got the opportunity to wrestle Bayley and Alexa and we did very well wrestling other people rather than each other. After about 2 hours of that tryout they gave us a 10-minute break while they chatted about us.

We were standing around talking with Alexa and Bayley, they gave us good feedback, told us not to taunt so much and show more frustration for certain parts of the match. We then went into the room where NXT superstars cut promos, they wanted to test our mic skills. "Madison, you're up first." Matt said, I damn near shitted my pants because I was so scared. Here I go...

"For years now, I've been told that I couldn't do a lot of things, I've been told that'll be nothing just like the rest of my family. I've always been put down because of the way I look, the way I do things, the clothes and shoes I wore and so much more. After a while of hearing the same thing over and over and over again I finally used those words, my doubters, as my motivation to do the unthinkable. No one would have thought in a million years that I would be standing in this ring and holding this championship, not even my own sisters and parents. I've come so far that I can finally look back and laugh at everyone that has said I couldn't do it. They go to sleep every night dreaming of all the things they wanna be, all things they wanna do in life, while I go to sleep knowing I can wake up the next morning and know that I'm living my dream and that I'm the champion no one thought I'll be. You can say all the bad things you want about me; they won't ever phase me simply because your life won't ever be a comparison to mine. Try harder next time." After I walked away from the camera I got a huge round of applause, I smiled knowing I did very well.

"Nisha you're up." Matt said.

*clapping* "Madison, your story was very touching, honestly it was but telling sob stories about your pathetic life isn't going to get you a win over me. You're more worried about what others said about you in the past, you should be worried about what that ring announcer will be saying at the end of the match because it sure as hell isn't going to be your name. I could care less about who supported you and who didn't support you thus far, your supporters won't be in that ring saving you from the ass kicking you will be receiving. What goes around comes around and all the things you put me through for the five years we've known each other is going to finally kick you in the ass. What goes around comes around." *smiles to the camera and walks away. *

"Damn these girls are good and ruthless." Hunter whispered to Matt as we were all clapping for Nisha.

"Last but not least, Marissa, put the icing on the cake." Matt said.

*Laughs* "Let's see, Nisha is going to unleash five years' worth of anger on Madison, Madison says she isn't worried about her past and that her doubters' life isn't even a comparison to hers. All of that is nice but they are forgetting one main factor, me. If it wasn't for me and my brilliant ideas to become pro wrestlers, Nisha wouldn't be relevant and would still be watching reality shows and failing at life, Madison wouldn't be champion and would probably still be sitting behind a closed door crying. See they're so worried about each other that they forgot I was in the match, this will be the easiest wins in my career. I was and still am the best out of that group, and if it wasn't for Madison kissing ass I would be standing before you as champion. Madison tells a sob story and everyone feels sorry for her and she gets handed anything, Madison is a fraud, a liar, no one gave a damn about her, she's never had doubters, she was her only doubter. Her parents always supported her, she failed to realize that because she always close people out. I'm dearly sorry to those who wasted any tears on that fake story she told. As for Nisha, *laughs* well let's just say she won't deliver what she's "preaching". I've been with Nisha for years, we were tag partners so I know everything about her. She's really scared of Madison, every time Madison has stepped to Nisha she'll back down and hide behind me. I know both of their weaknesses, they know nothing about me so come Sunday I will walk out as your new WWE Women's Champion not that fraud or that punk." She dropped the mic and sat down and did a hair flip.

"Wow, I really don't know who to believe, they really are good and harsh." Hunter said to Matt clapping. We went back into the main area with the rings.

"Alright have a seat" Hunter said to us. "You guys did one helluva job, there's little things that needs work. I was told by a friend to check you girls out to see if you were as good as my friend said you were. Although you girls aren't of age, all three of you are worthy of working in this company. So we that being said, you girls will receive WWE Contracts. Read them through, if you have any questions our numbers are in the packet of papers we're about to give you. Many people come and tryout, and don't make it, you girls are one of the lucky ones that do. Be proud." He finished and we were all smiling so much, hugging each other etc., we most definitely weren't expecting to get contracts. Now that we have them we don't want to look back. We're about to take this blessing, this opportunity and run with it. We showered, and sat in the car for a moment, screamed like the little girls we were then we pulled ourselves together and checked into a hotel, ordered room service and relaxed, well they relaxed, I read through the contract twice. I then went to my phone, deleted all my tweets, all my Instagram photos, made sure everything was erased and told Marissa and Nisha to do the same.

We turned in the signed contracts and began training with other NXT Superstars.

We turned in the signed contracts and began training with other NXT Superstars

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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