Two mass murderers, with pasts that destroyed there hearts as their adventure of escaping reality into the cruel world
A detective bringing justice to the villains. He has found no challenge that was too hard for him to take until he meets the...
Kane's POV As I walked into the police station with the caught convict, everyone was applauding me because this man was wanted for almost 2 years, and I just caught him. He was a drug lord,And a murderer.
After he went into his prison cell the chief called me into her office "You have a new job" the chief said "2 mass murderers been walking around towns killing off people at random and I want you to catch them . their real names are unknown but they call themselves Alice and Ace" "do we know their location " "their whereabouts are unknown" Handed to me at the thin folder "This is all we know about the murders "The chief said I look in the folder there was barely anything in it other was a small description of them and their game it seems to be a card game
Both of them had silver hair their eyes seemed to be red The girl was always giggling and the boys seemed to be little more responsible but I knew both of them were insane.
"I'll do it" I said to chief "This is Not going to be easy. They are insane and they seem to be highly trained " she said it with a concerned look on her face "I love a challenge "I said back to her she laughed as I walked out of the office I went straight to my desk to my research on these two but nothing came up all I got was news channels about them and their murders/survivors . They didn't even have pictures of them just descriptions I couldn't even find their real names. I groaned I hated not knowing about my prey but I will have to deal
I found the names of the victims that survived and I decided to go to them to ask them more questions. I left the police station and got into to my black car.The victims name was John. When I got to his house I knew something was off the door was open it, I slowly crept up the stairs and walked into the house red it was all I saw the walls were painted with it on the living room wall it said
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(Sorry for how messy it is just imagine it on a wall in blood 😋😋 Ps it's Hebrew for lets have some fun Kane Miles and if it's wrong blame google translate) Immediately I went to my phone and called the chief telling her what happened in a few minutes my coworkers came to investigate "Go home"the chief said "You had enough for one day come back to tomorrow and get straight to work " Check the time it was around seven so I got in the car and drove off to my apartment I slowly crawling into my bed and close my eyes and fell asleep
Sorry the chapter show short I'll be working on the next one soon 😋😋😋😋✌✌🐶🦄🦄🦄